In the beginning

This past week, my family spent a week in Williamsburg and the surrounding historical areas. One of our visits took us to a museum focusing on Jamestown, a settlement established in 1607, by 104 English men. Located near the mouth of the James River, this was the first permanent settlement in North America. The beginning . . .

History has always been one of my favorite areas of studying. I enjoy visiting museums, historical sites, and learning from those who came before us–how they lived, worked, and contributed to the development of our country and world.

This was definitely a new start for this courageous group from England who made their way to a strange, new land.

We have new beginnings, too–don’t we?

  • Birthdays
  • Graduation
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • A new job
  • Career milestones
  • Retirement (often comes with a second career)

But not all of these experiences are joyful. Some take us on a journey of sorrow. After a divorce or the loss of a loved one, the different “beginning” which follows loss seems to be a dark valley, with no way out to find the light.

In the beginning . . .

There is one special beginning that brought life, light, and love to all people. To emphasize the importance of this occurrence, scripture reminds us that this event is the beginning.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5)

Jesus was there–in the beginning.
The Word of God was there–in the beginning.
Our Savior is the light for all people in the beginning–and now.
Nothing can overcome the light and love of Jesus in the beginning–now–and, in the future

Our Lord is with us in the sorrows of the dark valleys, in the joys of new challenges met, and in the ordinary days between. His love is everlasting–in the past, now, and forever.

When have you most felt our Lord’s presence? Has He led you through a dark valley or a difficult challenge? Is He your guide to the mountain top?

I pray your week is blessed, my friends.


  1. We have so many new beginnings in life, and I know God is with us each time even if we can’t feel His presence. Sometimes it’s easier to see His hand later, when looking back.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your insights. I agree that we often don’t realize how near and caring God was until we look back on the trial. Wishing you a blessed week!

  2. J.D. Wininger says:

    Hmmm, when have I felt/do I feel God’s presence the most? I’d have to say it’s when I’m meditating on Him and focusing my heart and mind upon Him. That’s when I feel Him draw nearer. Those times include prayer, chores around the ranch, and that quiet time of an evening after all but me and the dogs have gone to bed. He is closest when I’m (my soul) is quietest. Praying you and blessed week dear friend.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so grateful you shared this, J.D. So often I forget to “be still.” I’m always doing something–and then thinking about the next thing I need to be doing. You’ve shared wonderful actions we all can use to draw closer to Him. “He is closest when I’m (my soul) is quietest. Oh, yes…thank you, dear friend.

  3. I’m thankful for God’s presence in every beginning as well as the day-to-day routine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh yes, Diana, you are right on target. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you aa joyful and blessed week.

  4. I have always wanted to go to Jamestown. New beginnings can be a breath of fresh air. A time of hope as we seek for what God will teach us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I hope you can go to Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg, Jen. There’s such much history and beauty there. I wanted to stay longer and soak up all the history and lessons left by our ancestors. Peace and blessings!

  5. I am enjoying thinking about new beginnings. Thank you for encouraging me to look forward!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Looking forward with God’s presence–always nearby. Yes! Prayers and blessings, my friend.

  6. Krystal Weeks says:

    All my beginnings started as an ending to something else. Looking ahead to the new beginning, helps us know all of the beginnings and endings of our lives are part of God‘s plan.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That’s a wonderful way to view a new beginning, Krystal, as an ending to something else, but always as part of God’s plan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You’ve blessed my day.

  7. It is when I’m in the valley that I feel God’s presence the most. That’s when I seek Him best through tears, prayer, and submission. Sometimes He has to lead us to the valley to get our attention.

    Thankfully, He was here in the beginning and will remain here.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      He’s led me to the valley more than once, Candyce. And I was in need of His discipline and His love. I’m thankful God has the plan for me–I’d definitely mess it up if I were in charge.

  8. This inspirational message is especially meaningful to me as we’re entering a season of leaving behind 26 years in NC to move back to Texas. Many new beginnings ahead! Thank you for the verses that make it clear that Jesus was there in the beginning and will be with us in our never-ending eternity.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Wishing you much joy and happiness in your “new” beginning, Mary. I know God is with you and He continues to guide your ministry of service to Him through your writing. Sending love and good wishes for your new adventure.

  9. I have felt God’s presence especially palpable on a number of occasions. Most recently was this past Sunday in church. I was moved to tears more than several times by the worship songs, liturgy, and prayers, as he touched my spirit with heightened appreciation for all he is and all he’s done for me! P.S. A group of us teachers used to take the fifth graders of our school to Williamsburg every fall for a three-day field trip, taking in the three locations you mentioned. I agree–it’s a fascinating place to visit! I learned more on each trip, adding to my appreciation for our founding fathers and mothers.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve always loved history, Nancy, and visits to historical sites are my most favorite places. It’s wonderful that you and your colleagues took students to the Williamsburg area. I’m sure it’s a trip those students will always remember. Thank you for sharing that God is with you on this part of your journey. Continuing to pray for you.

  10. I’m thankful Jesus is with me as I experience every new beginning. I’ve felt His presence in my lowest valleys and my highest mountain tops. He is the light in my dark days which are never dark for Him.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We are so blessed to have a loving Father who is always present. And a Savior who brings us light and love. Thank you for sharing, Lisa.

  11. God is always up to something new, isn’t He, Katherine? Sometimes the transition feels rough to us, but we can trust Him to guide us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Annie. It’s reassuring to know He is always with us, through good times and the hardest trials. I like this message you shared, “God is always up to something new.” We are so blessed!

  12. I love the ebb and flow of the seasons of life. New beginnings. There’s a song that says something like this: Every ending is some new beginning. God bless, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “Every ending is a new beginning.” We can be confident in knowing that our Father wants what is best for us. It’s all part of His plan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Nancy. Wishing you a blessed week.

  13. Yvonne Morgan says:

    I love the Williamsburg area. So many amazing spots and things to learn.

    I also loved your message about new beginnings Katherine. What a blessing to know we can begin again every day.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Each day is a blessing, isn’t it, Yvonne? A new start, a new beginning–all under the watchful eyes of our Father. He has the plan for us! Wishing you a joyful week.

  14. I am thankful His mercies are new every morning. Thank you, Katherine, for a wonderful reminder to see each day as a new blessings.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Sometimes, it is hard for me to understand the depth of God’s great mercy and grace. But the cross reminds us of His amazing love. We are blessed beyond measure. May God bless you, my friend.

  15. Terri Miller says:

    There’s something very exciting about beginnings, and yes, they can be a bit scary as well. It seems no matter how old we get, new beginnings are waiting to be experienced. Blessings, Katherine.

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