Are we listening?

Last week I talked about excuses–a tough topic!

This week is a related focus–are you listening?

Hmmm…that one is tough, too!

How is listening related to making excuses? Please read on and I hope to show you the connection.

In the book of Genesis we are told of Abraham and Sarah’s visitors–the ones who shared news that was meant to fulfill God’s promise to Abraham–news that  should have brought great joy to the couple.

Then one of the men said, “I will definitely return to you about this time next year. Then your wife Sarah will have a son!” Sarah was listening at the tent behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were both old. Sarah was no longer menstruating. So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, I’m no longer able to have children and my husband is old. Genesis 18:10-12

The Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Me give birth? At my age?’ Is anything too difficult for the Lord? When I return to you about this time next year, Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18:13-14

Sarah lied and said, “I didn’t laugh,” because she was frightened. But he said, “No you laughed.” Genesis 18:15

Did Sarah listen? The Bible says she did, but did she really listen? If so wouldn’t she have believed the messengers from God? Wouldn’t she have believed God Himself?

But, aren’t we guilty of the same? Do we really LISTEN when God calls us? Perhaps we hear, but don’t listen.

Is there a difference between hearing and listening?

Yes! If you are married, you have probably experienced the difference between hearing and listening.

An example:

Me: “I just made a casserole and brownies to take to the dinner at church tomorrow night. Don’t eat it.”

Hubbie: “Okay.”

The next day…

Me: “Some of the brownies are missing! Have you been eating them?”

Hubbie: “Well…yeah, didn’t you make them for us?”

Me: “I told you not to eat them. They’re for the meal tonight at church?”

Hubbie: “What meal?”

Not that my minor catastrophe has much similarity to God’s visit with Abraham, but you get the idea. My husband heard me tell him not to eat the brownies, but he didn’t listen. Sarah and Abraham heard God’s promise, but they didn’t listen–they didn’t internalize the promise.

Abraham and Sarah were called by God to be the parents of the Hebrew nation, yet when the fulfillment of the promise was within their reach, they doubted and feared.

How human!

Have you been there? I confess that I have. Haven’t we all experienced doubt and hesitation at times?

So…the difference between hearing and listening? I believe hearing is passive, but listening is action. When we LISTEN, we follow with an action. Of course that action might be the decision to avoid a negative behavior (not doing something that may have bad consequences). On the other hand, listening and following through on a task that is beneficial to others is an action that honors God.

If we are believers in God, we are called for service to Him. That automatically goes along with our acceptance of God as our Father. So we cannot justify the excuse that God has never called us or challenged us to serve Him.

God has called us and will do so again.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Ephesians 4:1

Are we listening? Do we try to ignore the call? Do we make excuses that we are not able or worthy to do the task God has called us to do? Are we too tired, too busy, or too angry to answer the call?

If we truly believe that God is God, how can we not listen when He calls?

The Lord was attentive to Sarah just as he had said, and the Lord carried out just what he had promised her. Genesis 21:1

God keeps His promises.



    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jimmie. Isn’t it wonderful that God is trustworthy and we have the confidence that He will always keep His promises? Wishing you a joyous Christmas as we celebrate God’s most marvelous promise.

  1. K.A. Wypych says:

    This is great! I know I have been guilty of not really listening at times, but (you are right) it is so, so important! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think we all have a problem sometimes of not really listening. Sometimes we don’t even listen to God! But, we are so blessed that God is always faithful and will never fail to listen when we call on Him. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Katherine, your emphasis on listening is critical for our relationships with God and people. I’ve been guilty of asking God for wisdom without carefully listening with the intent to obey.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, me too, Jeannie! I’ll ask God for guidance, but fail to wait patiently for His answer. Then I blunder about and wonder why I messed up! I’m so thankful that God is always patient and trustworthy. Merry Christmas, my friend!

  3. Such a thoughtful post. And you are so right! I also find when I listen without fully hearing, I don’t remember much. Multitasking is my problem, but that’s prob it very respectful of others.
    Thankfully, God does not share our distractions. What a blessing!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Sometimes I have the same problem, Loretta–trying to focus on too many things at once. Like you, I’m grateful that our loving Father is never distracted. We are blessed!

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