Be an encourager

This past week-end I had an awesome experience at the North Carolina Christian Writer’s Conference (NCCWC).

I’ve been to writer’s conferences before and had some great experiences. Why was this one so memorable?



Encourage is a verb–an action.

The dictionary defines encourage as the action of giving support, confidence, or hope to (someone).


The conference is sponsored by Serious Writer. I can’t say enough good things about the organization, speakers, and classes featured in the conference or the kindness of our hosts. The atmosphere was professional, yet casual, upbeat, and friendly. We praised and worshiped God. Made new friends and professional connections. Learned how to be better writers. I could go on and on.

But, one thing really stood out. While we (I’m speaking of presenters, teachers, and learners) all want to be the BEST authors we can be. (We admit to being competitive). We also want everyone else to be the BEST!

We are encouragers.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We recognize that writing is hard work and demands a constant willingness to learn. Dedication, commitment, research, perseverance and a “NEVER GIVE UP” attitude are necessary to become an author. We ask for feedback to help improve our craft, but we’re our own worst critics.

Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 1 Thessalonians 5:12

Christian writers want to honor and glorify God with their work.

Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:13, 15

Just like most folks, we sometimes get discouraged and want to give up. We let Satan’s lies that we cannot write to honor God entrap us into a web of fear. We doubt our abilities to be a good writer.

But, writer’s conferences build us up. We gain skill, connections, confidence and hope.

We are encouragers!

What keeps you going when you are discouraged? Do you have a support group that boosts you up when you’re ready to give up? Do you have a favorite scripture or author that lifts you from discouragement?

Can you be an encourager for others?


  1. Yes! We need to revel in each other’s successes! Lifting one another up is key. Also, love the use of headers and font/ color changes in this post. Very nice!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your kind words, my friend. That’s encouraging! Wishing you a blessed week and safety in the coming storms.

  2. I so agree! We all need more people cheering us on!.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes! Thanks for the encouragement, Loretta! I hope this week is an extra blessed one for you.

  3. It’s a challenge to encourage another person in any area if we ourselves are self-defeating. I so appreciate your sharing this and grateful you were amongst a host of encouragers at the conference. That’s as it should be 🙂

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      As writers, we are so good at encouraging others, but not so kind to ourselves. Thank you for reminding us that self defeat begins with “self.” Wishing you a blessed day, my friend.

  4. I wouldn’t be writing at all without the encouragement I get throughout the year from dear friends I’ve made at writer’s conferences and from the guys in my critique group. They understand the self-critic that we all carry in our heads.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree. Aren’t we blessed to have dear friends that understand us? (We writers are an odd bunch!)

  5. Katherine, you’re right about the importance of encouragement in the writing community. Thank you for describing it so well. It’s comforting to know that we’re not unique in our need. Reading Scripture and talking with other writers reminds me of the call. Also, I find encouragement from groups like the Blue Ridge Bible Study Writers group and Word Weavers.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      So many authors are introverts (as am I). I admire those that are outgoing–even envy them at times! But, as a quiet and shy person, it’s awesome to know that so many loving authors are supporting each other (even me!) as we strive to spread the love of Jesus through out writing. The Blue Ridge Conference and the Blue Ridge Bible Study group has been such a blessing to me as well. Thanks for your encouragement, Jeannie. Wishing you continued joy in writing and in service to our Lord.

  6. I attended my first conference in May and was blown away by the encouragement. It’s great when we find it. I definitely need to work on giving it. Thanks for the reminder!!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Might have been Blue Ridge? One of my favorite places–an awesome conference!

  7. Thank you, Katherine. I was reminded that sometimes our own encouragement comes from encouraging others.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Donna, I agree. I think God blesses us when we bless others. And He knows just when to send the encourager. I hope and pray to be a better listener–to know when God is sending me to be an encourager. Wishing you continued blessings, my friend.

  8. Katherine,
    YOU are an encourager! I know because you have left encouraging words for me.
    I agree that God blesses us to be a blessing to others. Thanks for being a blessing, sweet sister-in-Christ. I pray those blessings come right back around to you and yours.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Beckie! You are a ray of sunshine to brighten my day. I’ve got a church project going on this week, a part time job which seems more than “part time”, a new grand daughter to love on, and a writing deadline to meet. Today has been a blur of business. I NEEDED an encourager. Thank you, my friend. Blessings!

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