Becoming a Master Communicator

I expect many of us believe we’re good communicators, but are we really? How can we get better? What about becoming a Master Communicator?

In early December of this past year, I had the joy and privilege of attending a unique Bootcamp*on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Authors gathered in an enormous house beside the ocean to talk, play, write, and learn about marketing and communicating.

Could there be a better place to “retreat,” write, and learn than beside the ocean?

One of our speakers was Renee Marino, a talented actor, dancer, singer, speaker, and author. Renee has danced, sung, and acted on Broadway. She has a lead role (Mary Delgado) in The Jersey Boys, a film directed by Clint Eastwood. Renee is beautiful, enthusiastic, and brings sunshine to a room as soon as she enters.

Renee is also a Master Communicator and is willing to share her knowledge with others. And for an introvert like me, Renee is an encourager. How do introverts become better communicators? For me it’s observe, listen, and…


(The same strategies extroverts use to become better communicators–they just don’t have to work as hard).

Learning new skills can be tough. But, an essential key is practice, practice, practice. Some pearls of wisdom from Renee about becoming a better communicator (and working toward becoming a Master Communicator):

  • Put the phone down and look up to be present to meet people and engage in new experiences.
  • Pause social media for a time and enjoy the peace and freedom you will experience.
  • Recognize the need to step out of our comfort zone and grow with new experiences.
  • Work hard, but always be ready for new opportunities.
  • Speak up–even when we’re scared.
  • Practice acts of kindness.
  • Communicate from the heart.

The above tips barely scratch the surface of the strategies and wisdom in Renee’s book, Becoming a Master Communicator: Balancing New School Technology with Ol’ School Simplicity AND I’m giving one away–a signed copy!

How to win? All new subscribers to my blog who also leave a comment will be eligible for the drawing. Please read on for another give-away. Drawing will be Monday, February 6, 2023 and winners will be contacted by email.

If we’re Christians, we have a Master with whom many of us communicate on a regular basis. Interaction with our Lord can involve reading His Word, regular Bible study, and an active prayer life. Another give-away–a copy of Pastor Andy Clapp’s 40 Day Devotional, In the Eye of the Storm. Everyone who comments will be eligible for this drawing, same guidelines as above (not the same person).

Thank you for taking time to read my blog message this week.

Wishing you a blessed week my friends!

*Bootcamp for Guerrilla Marketing for Writers Mastermind Retreat

Masterminded by David Hancock, Morgan James Publishing


  1. Thank you Katherine. Putting your phone down to be present and communicate with those present vs those not present is huge. As is kindness, which may not even take words, but may be a smile or passing up a parking spot for the person behind you.

    1. Deborah Crumpton says:

      Both authors sound like interesting reads.

      1. Katherine Pasour says:

        You are right, Deborah, they’re both good. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Wishing you a blessed week.

    2. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thankfully, I’ve never become overconnected to my phone, but I’ve noticed how many others seem to stay on their phones most of the time. Technology certainly has changed the way we interact with one another. Kindness is one of those actions that I think we can never have too much of. I’m continuing to strive to do better in sharing kindness. I’m so thankful that our Father is always willing to help us do better.

  2. Wow Thanks for the giveaways for both of these special books. I am especially attracted to the book, In the Eye of the Storm by Pastor Andy Clapp. I love the cover. For the most of my life I lived in Houston Texas or in the surrounding areas where we experienced hurricanes. Back in the early 1980’s the eye of the storm of a hurricane went directly over our home at night. It was very loud almost deafening and lasted for several moments which I will never forget. The Lord was with us and we did not have any damage to our home. Thank You, Lord. Also one of my words for the year is eyes. Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from Your instruction.” God’s eyes are on us every second we celebrate the life that He gives to us each day and especially as go though the storms of life that He has ordained for us to make us stronger. The Lord be with you and your family as you’ll celebrate day He gives you’ll as He sees you’ll and holds your hands every second of your lives.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your experiences of going through a storm. I’ve never been up close and personal with a hurricane (and don’t want to). I’m so grateful that you shared Psalm 119:18 with us and for your prayer. May god bless you and bring you joy and peace.

  3. Thank you Katherine, this is a great post full of useful advise. All are applicable for me but particularly: Recognize the need to step out if our comfort zone and grow with new experience. The beach and writing with talented people sounds lovely!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m right there with you, Lisa. Recognizing the need to step out of our comfort zone and then DOING IT is a challenge for me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Wishing you a week filled with joy and blessings.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Focus–yes that’s me, I need to do better about looking around and engaging with people. Thankfully, the phone problem is not an issue for me, but I pray for those who are overly dependent on their phones, that they can lift their eyes and focus on people in person.

  4. Sounds like that was a wonderful retreat for learning and refreshing! Those ideas for practicing also sound great!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It was a great retreat, Kathy. Great to escape to learn and write. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  5. Thanks for sharing this wonderful advice. What an awesome retreat this must have been.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Barbara. Yes, it was a wonderful retreat. I learned so much–now to find the time to put my new knowledge into practice. Blessings, my friend.

  6. Thanks for the nod to introverts having to practice a little more than extroverts! Thanks for the info.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve found practice at being social and outgoing has helped me–some, but it’s tough for us introverts to put ourselves out there. Thankfully, we have support along the way. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Wishing you a blessed week.

  7. Martha Stultz says:

    Katherine thank you for your blog on your recent workshop at the coast! Also for the helpful comments on how to become a master communicator! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Martha! Your kindness brightens my day. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  8. I’m so glad God communicates with us. He asks us to communicate with others. To tell the world about Him. Thanks, Katherine for sharing this post. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Nancy, you’ve shared the most important thing about communicating–our calling to tell others about Jesus. Thank you for sharing. Peace and blessings!

  9. Social Media was one of my largest stumbling blocks last year. Truth be told, and if accurate statistics had been tracked, I know it was a major time thief and productivity block. I am learning to become ‘lean and mean’ regarding social media time and usage, helping me to be a more effective communicator.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Social media is a stumbling block for me, too, Craig. I need to take lessons from you as to how to be “lean and mean” when using social media for networking and marketing. Although I’ve gained many meaningful and supportive relationships from social media, the time involved keeps me away from writing projects. I’ve yet to find the right balance. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  10. As writers, we struggle with many of the same things. Balance. Time effectiveness. Covering all the bases.

    Very similar to life when I was raising my children, nurturing a marriage, and teaching school.

    We can do it because we have!

    Thanks for the information shared here.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You expressed the busy life of a mother so well, and as you point out, being an author (and the necessary multi-tasking) is a lot like balancing marriage/motherhood/career. Thank you for sharing, Candyce. Wishing you joy and blessings this week.

  11. I think my introverted child may be a better communicator than my extraverted one. Listening is essential to good communication. Sounds like a great book and retreat!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You’ve made an excellent point, Debbie, and I agree with your reasoning. I think introverts tend to develop their listening skills to a high degree and that helps them be good communicators. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Joy and blessings!

  12. Jeannie Waters says:

    Interacting with people offers so many rewards–opportunities to learn, practice communication, and serve as a blessing. Thank you for the reminders and tips you included from the conference which sounds marvelous.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It was a wonderful conference and I’m still trying to implement some of the things I learned (isn’t that always what happens when we have a great conference experience?) Thank you for your kind encouragement, Jeannie. Blessings!

  13. I love the part about ‘putting the phone down’! It saddens me to be out and see families gathered together and they are not talking but ‘flipping’ thru their phones. From Genesis to Revelation it’s all about relationships and being engaged with one another. Jesus was engaged with everyone he met and if we let ourselves be led by the spirit we will be too. I try to have kind words for anyone in the work place these days, my place of work, etc. We have to be in the moment with each one we meet. Remember we want people to hear us so in turn we should listen to them. The golden rule – Matt. 7:12 – In everything, do to others what you would have them do to do…’.
    Blessings to you and yours

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thanks so much for sharing your insight, Angie. I’m also saddened by seeing couples or families together, not interacting, but glued to their phones instead. Technology has many benefits, but has had negative impact on relationships, I think. Thank you for spreading kindness to others. You’re sharing the light and love of Jesus.

  14. These are excellent points. I think having social media at our fingertips (via phones) has become such an addiction today that it draws people away from the much more important facets of life. Putting the phone down is a necessary first step toward being present in the moment. Thank you for this insightful and timely post.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I completely agree with your analysis and pray that we’ll all try to nurture our relationships and not let our phones take away from our face-to-face meetings with friends and loved ones. Thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing your thoughts. I’m so grateful for your encouragement. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  15. It sounds like such a wonderful weekend. You’ve certainly gleaned many useful tidbits of information. Thanks for sharing them with us. I know I can use all the help you can offer. Blessings!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It was a wonderful weekend–I just wish I could put all I learned to use, but the important thing is to keep trying, right? Thank you for your encouragement, Annie. Hope you’re stay warm up there! Joy and blessings!

  16. It sounds like such a wonderful weekend. You’ve certainly gleaned many useful tidbits of information. Thanks for sharing them with us. I know I can use all the help you can offer. Blessings!

  17. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Sounds wonderful. I know my communication skills need improvement because i listen to respond instead of just listening. I pray for God’s wisdom to improve. Thanks Katherine

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think there’s always room for improvement in our communication and relationship skills. I’m like you, Yvonne, I pray to be better. God will helps us. Thank you.

  18. J.D. Wininger says:

    A skill we can all work to improve upon. Am learning that the better I listen, the better I communicate. Thanks for sharing Ms. Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree completely, my friend. A good listener is a treasure to have as a friend, colleague, or loved one. I’m still working on that, too. Wishing you blessings, kind sir.

  19. Learning to communicate better is so important. This book looks very interesting. Thank you for sharing about it.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I hope you have the opportunity to meet Renee Marino in person someday. She’s amazing. Thanks for stopping by, Jen. Hope you have a great week.

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