Broken but loved

This past week I was blessed to be in one of my favorite spots. I love to be in nature, spending time close to God, walking along the beach. The sound of the waves, the vastness of the ocean, and the warmth of the sun bring peace to my wounded spirit.

My first morning on the beach, the tide cooperated by packing the sand where I trod before making its way back out, leaving a path for easy walking. On this lovely October day, only a few fisherman and visitors made new tracks on the unmarked sand. My eyes scanned pristine skies, gentle waves, and eventually focused on the sand, watching for sea shells that had been left behind.

I gathered a few shells which I considered perfect specimens to keep as a memory. To offer a contrast in the photo I was about to take of these pretty shells, I decided to include a broken one.

After I snapped my picture, I collected all the nice shells, leaving the broken one on the sand. I stared at the treasures in my hand, then at the single broken shell I left on the sand. Something held me in place, kept me from continuing my journey toward the pier.

What if God had left me alone because I was broken?
A broken, lonely shell

Many years ago, I was a broken, lonely, shell of the woman God created me to be. My heavenly Father could have given up on me, left me broken and miserable, deserted me completely.

That is what I deserved.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

But, my Lord did not leave me broken and crying. He rescued me from my despair, lifted me our of the pit in which I had fallen, and put the broken pieces back together. I still have cracks, but I know He finds me beautiful in spite of my faults.

All this ran through my mind as I stared at that broken shell. It wasn’t perfect. It didn’t look as good as the others. It was broken.

I picked it up and, very gently, placed it with the near perfect shells.

Has there been a time when you lay broken before God? Have you felt lost or worthless? How did He rescue you?

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. (Psalm 147:3-5)


  1. What a lovely picture of what God does for us through Jesus, Katherine. A great message of how He doesn’t leave us alone and broken but makes us whole again. Thanks for sharing your beautiful journey!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “He makes us whole again.” Thank you for sharing that Truth, Barbara. We might carry a few scars after He rescues us, but our Father loves us through the brokenness, puts us back together (better than before), and heals our wounds. Thank you for your kind encouragement.

  2. What a question! “What if God left me alone if I were broken?” So thankful He did not in my most devastating times-and alway has welcoming arms. You painted a memorable picture here. I’ll never see shells on the beach the same way again.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m thankful, too, Marilyn, that in my most distant time from God (my fault) and when I needed Him most in times of tragedy, my Father was always with me. He never left me alone and broken. On the beach, that was an “Ah Ha!” moment for me as well. When I picked up the pretty shells and left the broken one, I felt a profound sorrow (remembering loneliness) while also experiencing a burst of joy (recognizing that I am never alone). I kept that broken shell so I won’t forget. Wishing you a blessed week and much joy.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Jimmie, for your encouragement and support. I’m so glad you stopped by. Hope your week is sunny and blessed.

  3. I loved this Katherine! How grateful I am that He continues to heal my brokenness. I appreciate the picture you described so well. Thank you.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      The messages God sends us through His creation are vivid and profound. I am thankful He used the broken shell to remind me that I was once broken (more than once) and He healed me. But, He also reminded me of the love and joy He shares with us on a daily basis. Thank you for your encouragement. Hope your week is filled with inspiration and joy.

  4. J.D. Wininger says:

    Marrying your post and a recent one from our mutual friend Ms. Candyce, and my heart screamed “Yet, God did” all throughout your post Ms. Katherine. I think we’ve all experienced those moments of “brokenness” when we couldn’t even love ourselves. Yet, God did! He loved us, nurtured us, and guided us back onto the path for our lives He laid out for us before we were even born. What a mighty God we serve my friend. I’m so very glad you were able to rest and recharge by connecting with God at the beach. Whether the farm, beach, or busy classroom, He is always there with you sweet friend.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, J.D., our friend Candyce had a wonderfully inspiring post last week reminding us of God’s grace. “Yet, God…” He doesn’t give us what we deserve, but grants mercy and grace–time and time again. I’ve experienced His grace in all those times of brokenness. Thank you for reminding us that God is always with us–no matter what.

  5. I love that we serve a God that no matter how broken we are, He can piece us back together and make us beautiful.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “No matter how broken we are, He can…” I love that word picture, Jen. I’ve been blessed to be the recipient of that grace, mercy, and love (and His master ability to put me back together). When we feel as far from beautiful as possible, our Father sees in us what we are meant to be–what He created us to be as His child.

  6. I love the fact that you picked up the whole shells and left the broken one … initially. And that God nudged you to see what He sees and retrieve the one left behind. Such a beautiful picture of how the Lord picks us up and makes us whole again. Grateful you experienced much-needed soul rest.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Mary. I know you have experienced that restorative quality of being at the beach. It’s where we can do some amazing writing, isn’t it? Thank you for your encouragement. Hope your week is filled with joy and inspiration and your fingers flow across the keyboard!

  7. A wonderful analogy. We are all broken in some way–multiple ways–just from walking through life. What an amazing, loving God to pick up our broken pieces.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Nancy, I think we are all have experienced brokenness at some point–some more than others, perhaps. We are so blessed that God loves us through it, patches us up, and continues with us on the journey. Of course, our part is to ask for His intervention. He is ready and waiting to come to us.

  8. I loved this post about the broken shell, Katherine. It is a near-perfect picture of each of us and how God doesn’t leave us there, but picks us up as you did that shell and cradles us gently as He helps us heal. I appreciate your honesty about your brokenness. I, too, had an experience of brokenness, and God used it to bring me into His family.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “God cradles us gently as we heal.” What beautiful thoughts and imagery you have shared, Kathy. Our Father waits patiently for us to call out for Him. Perhaps, like me, you were a little stubborn in reaching out to God. I was a lot stubborn and was afraid my cracks were too big to heal, but our God is enough. He is Creator, Healer, and loves me so much more than I deserve. Wishing you continued blessings.

  9. My favorite line, “I was a broken, lonely, shell of the woman God created me to be.” I’ve been there as I certain we all have. Thankful the Lord never discarded me due to my brokenness!

    1. Jeannie Waters says:

      Katherine, your post made me want to find a broken shell to remind me of the times God healed my broken heart. This statement offers us hope and reminds us what our Father is like: “ I still have cracks, but I know He finds me beautiful in spite of my faults.” Thank you for this beautiful post.

      1. Katherine Pasour says:

        Aren’t we blessed that God loves us no matter what? He loves us when we’re broken, but He also sees within us what we can be when we turn to Him, submit, and seek His will for our lives. I’m so grateful for your encouragement, Jeannie. May God bless you and keep you safe.

    2. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, yes, Candyce! I, too, am thankful that our God loves us, no matter how broken, and He responds to our call for help, always. May God bless your day and bring joy to your heart.

  10. We are so blessed that God doesn’t leave us broken and alone, easy prey for whatever bowls us over next. Thank you for such a simple story with a powerful message. The next time I’m at the beach I’ll be looking for broken shells to bring home instead of the “perfect” ones.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so glad you found my message encouraging, Leigh. On my next trip to the beach, I will notice those imperfect shells, too–the ones I always overlooked before. I may not start a collection of broken shells, but I will say a thankful prayer for my own rescue from brokenness. We are so blessed that are God loves us so much, in spite of our imperfections.

  11. Joanne Viola says:

    I am so grateful He did not leave me alone on the beach in my brokenness. May I never forget He met me right there, in the sand, and gently brought healing and wholeness. Grateful you shared your thoughts as you have brought a powerful and encouraging message for us all to remember!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Joanne, and your understanding. Those of us who have been rescued from brokenness recognize God’s infinite love, mercy, and grace. Wishing you peace and blessings.

  12. Hi Katherine,

    What a blessing our Lord gathers the broken to Himself and even restores us! I appreciate the word picture and photo you’ve shared-such a beautiful reminder of His goodness and unconditional love.

    Peace and grace,

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      As one who has been broken and restored, I am continually thankful for our Father’s love, grace, and mercy. You mention His unconditional love–we are so blessed to be the recipients of that love. Thank you for sharing kindness and encouragement, Tammy.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing! Hope your day is blessed.

  13. Beautiful post! I’m thankful the Lord didn’t leave me broken and crying and that He rescued me as He did you!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We have much to be thankful for don’t we? Thank you for blessing my day with your encouraging response. Wishing you joy and sunshine!

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