Can we renew good habits left behind?

We all have multiple habits that guide us through our day. Many of these are good habits—a few are probably not so good for us. But recently, I stopped a habit that is good for my health and well-being and I’ve struggled with starting back. Can we renew good habits left behind?

For the past several years, I’ve maintained a healthy, good habit—for three to five days a week, I walked three miles at a nature trail near my house. Walking is a very beneficial activity for our heart—and the rest of us. (If you’d like to read more about the amazing benefits of exercise for our body click here).

But I lost that good habit in April. A temporary job intervened initially, followed by two illnesses that put me down for a month. After recovery, I was blessed with vacation with family. And then?

A heat wave arrived.

Like much of the rest of the country, oppressive heat and humidity settled in like a not so cozy blanket. Feeding horses, mowing grass, weeding the flower beds, and any other outdoor work drained me faster than my horses emptied their water tub on a 100 degree day.

Before I realized it, three months had passed since I’d walked the nature trail. I couldn’t seem to renew my good habit as July heat became even more unbearable.

But this past week, I did!

I hurried through my morning chores, ate a snack, and made it to the nature trail before the worst of the heat arrived. I walked three days last week. I’m on the way to renewing my good habit!

Besides being good for my heart and the rest of me, walking in God’s creation provides me with the opportunity to pray, meditate, and be thankful.

Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his loves endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:33-34)

This week I also pondered on what other good habits I may have left behind:

  • Am I spending quality quiet time with my Father?
  • Am I studying His word, absorbing His message during my daily reading—or am I rushing through my time with Him in an effort to get to my to-do list?
  • Have I spread kindness today—or am I hiding within myself, shrinking away from interacting with others?
  • Have I intentionally shared time with others? Acting on their needs rather than my own?
  • Have I let the Light of Jesus shine through me by sharing His message of love with others?

What about you? Have you left a good habit behind that you’d like to renew? I invite you to share in the comments so that I may pray for you.

Wishing you a joyful and blessed week!


  1. Beautiful pictures and beautiful messages. Thank you, Katherine.
    I’m stopping to think — Have I left any good habits behind that I need to get back to?
    Welk, I have not been consistent at the gym with my knee replacement exercises. 🙃 I need to get back to that. There, I said it.
    Now, what else? I’m thinking.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Loved your response, Connie! Sometimes we don’t say our problems aloud, perhaps thinking they will go away if we don’t talk about them. You are brave! Now, to get back to those knee exercises…I prayed for you (and for all of us who need to get back to a good habit).

  2. Dawn Marie Day says:

    Katherine, I love this! I think we all fall into these seasons, leaving good habits behind. I, too, let the heat interrupt my walks for a few weeks and I paid the price in other areas. Order and discipline are good for us. They help us maintain balance. I’m back on track with my walking too, and that also helped get my routine for other good habits back in order. Thank you for the passage you shared. What a beautiful reminder of the goodness and righteousness of our God, Who gives us the ability to walk:-)

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thanks so much for your encouragement, Dawn. I’m feeling better, too, since I resumed my walks, and as you point out, that activity is helping me in other aspects of life–I’m more motivated, less discouraged about my long to-do list, and just have a brighter outlook on life. Thank you for adding an extra dose of sunshine to my day. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  3. Katherine, I’m so glad you resumed your walking. What a lovely trail. Ouch on your second follow-up question. It hit too close for comfort. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, it’s a beautiful trail, Diana, and I am blessed that it is so close to my house. More than one of my questions was an “ouch” for me, too! Thank you for sending me a smile with you message.

  4. Terri Miller says:

    Katherine, I have experienced the exact same thing. For more than twenty years I’ve kept up a habit of walking or using the elliptical. That has largely fallen by the wayside due to issues with my foot and knee. Once I was out of the habit, it was easy to let other things keep me from that routine even after I’d recovered from the injuries. After a recent surgery, the doctor told me walking would be very good for helping me to recover quickly. That was the motivation I needed to get me started again. I’ve walked twice in the last three days and have a walking partner lined up for tomorrow morning. Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Hurrah for you, Terri! You’ve picked up your good habit again AND found a walking partner. I’m so glad your doctor recommended walking for you. I had a check up two weeks ago and my doctor asked me if I was still walking and I had to confess, “No.” But his question was the boost I needed to get back to it. Wishing you blessings and continued healing from your surgery.

  5. J.D. Wininger says:

    How very true Ms. Katherine. I heard it only takes 21-days to break a bad habit; and I’m convinced it takes far less to break a good one. Your introspection has fueled many of the same questions in my life ma’am. Thank you for speaking the truth we all need to hear. We may not always want to, but it doesn’t make it any less the truth. God’s blessings precious soul.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think we can break a good habit in one day, our mindset can change that quickly. Of course, the temptation is always present for us to end a good habit or begin a bad one. We are so blessed that we have a Counselor, the Holy Spirit who can help us turn away from those temptations and get back on the right path. May God bless you and your Cross Dubya family, dear friend.

  6. Recently, I’ve attempted to minimize the number of times I hit my snooze button each morning and, instead, awake with an attitude of readiness and hope for what the day will bring. It’s tempting to use that extra time to dig right into my fiction projects instead of sitting for time with Jesus. When I do prioritize this good habit of Jesus time, he always multiplies and blesses my investment. Great thoughts, Katherine! Glad you were able to get back on the walking trail.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Like you, Mary, mornings are my best time to spend with Jesus. If I bypass my time with Him, I’ve missed the most precious part of my day. By minimizing your snooze button habit, you’ve automatically expanded your time with Jesus, welcoming Him to join you as the first and best part of your day. Thank you for sharing that joyful thought.

  7. Katherine, I needed this post. Your right, it is so easy to let good habits become replaced or overlooked completely with excuses. Due to me having only one kidney, I need to make it a habit to drink more water every day- there I said it! No more excuses. Thank you so much for your encouraging post.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Water is so good for us, Dawn. I’m so glad you’re placing importance on that, especially since you kidney has extra duty. Drink lots of water and remember to walk! I need that, too. Wishing you a blessed day.

  8. Katherine, why is it so easy to break a good habit? Thanks for the inspiration. I’m reevaluating my habits.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m glad my message encouraged you, Debbie. I’m reminded myself to evaluate, too. Wishing you blessings on the journey.

  9. Katherine, it is so easy to break a good habit and then we struggle to pick it back up. These hot days have made it so hard to get out to walk and so I have taken to my treadmill, which has helped. Thank you for reminding me to check on other good habits I may have dropped this summer!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m thankful you have a treadmill, Joanne. On these HOT days, it’s a great alternative. I like to read when I’m on a treadmill to help pass the time. Have you tried that? May God continue to bless you and your ministry of service to Him.

  10. I’m looking back on this summer and wondering where it went along with the plans I had for Bible study, reading, writing–oh, and cleaning my house. Great post for me at this time. Thanks, Katherine. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Cleaning house! Oh, my! I had great plans for the summer because I don’t keep my grandchildren as much during the summer. However, we both know what they say about “the best laid plans…” I was able to complete a few projects, but so many left undone. Like you, I wonder where the time went. But, I know that both you and I accomplished something this summer that honors God–we can give thanks for those blessings.

  11. I have been pondering this also. Keep telling myself that, when school starts again, I can get back into some really good, healthy habits—like walking!
    Thank you for this good and encouraging and motivating word!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It’s always a good time to start a new habit! Praying for you and all those (including me) who desire to start (or renew) a healthy habit. Wishing you blessings on the journey, Maureen.

  12. Congratulations on re-starting your walking! It’s easy to break good habits and can be hard to re-establish them. In your case, life intervened in ways you had little control over. You know the benefits of walking and they motivated you to resume it.

    Maybe if I look more at the benefits, or outcomes, of good practices, it would be easier for me to make them a habit.

    Wishing you happy and joyful walking.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve kept my renewed habit going for two weeks! Thank you for your good wishes and encouragement, Candyce. Thinking of you and praying for all of us as we choose healthier habits to honor God. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  13. Congratulations on re-starting your walking! It’s easy to break good habits and can be hard to re-establish them. In your case, life intervened in ways you had little control over. You know the benefits of walking and they motivated you to resume it.

    Maybe if I look more at the benefits, or outcomes, of good practices, it would be easier for me to make them a habit.

    Wishing you happy and joyful walking.

  14. It is so easy to let life get in the way of the good habits we need to pursue each day. I applaud you for getting back into the walking routine. It may be hard for us to get started, but I always feel better after I push myself into a long walk. You are blessed to have the nature trail to use for your exercise. Keep up the good work!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Barbara. Like you, a good walk makes me feel so much better. I’m thankful I have such a wonderful place to walk. I hope you have a safe place for walking while on your adventure. Wishing you continued blessings for your writing ministry.

  15. We even hit 99 here in Montana this week. Most of us don’t have AC. It has been unbearable but at least there is little humidity. I am so ready for fall. I am so glad you got to walk again. I cannot wait for my health to allow me to go on walks again.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Whew! That is hot for you all. I’m praying we have some rain and a break in the weather soon. My grass is turning brown and disappearing. Praying for good health for you and that opportunity for you to be more active.

  16. What a beautiful place to walk. I’m so glad you have been able to get back there to enjoy God’s creation! And good reminders about our habits that keep us close to God through his word.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I really feel blessed to have this beautiful trail so close to my house. It’s a wonderfully incentive for me to drive the few miles and immerse myself in the amazing beauty of God’s creation, recite scripture, pray and meditate–all while receiving the healthy benefit of a brisk walk. Wishing you joy and blessings, Kathy, and the opportunity to walk in your beautiful area.

  17. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Great message. Thanks for sharing

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Yvonne. I hope you’re having an awesome day!

  18. A timely reminder, Katherine! After two major trips, a heat wave, and numerous sidelinings, my health habits have taken a hit. Trusting the Lord to help me get back on track! Glad He’s helped you. Appreciate the encouragement!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so sorry that, like me, you’ve been sidetracked from some of your healthy habits. I hope you feel encouraged to get back to them. Will be thinking of you and saying a prayer for God’s help for you.

  19. Katherine, I’m always surprised at how quickly I can abandon a good habit, even one I enjoyed. And why is it such a struggle to reinstate it after letting it go? Thanks for transparently sharing your weakness and your triumph over it. That encourages me to get back to good habits I’ve left behind. Thanks!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You encourage me, Annie! Thanks so much for sharing. I think we need regular reinforcement to keep those good habit active. Praying for us–to keep those good habits going!

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