Celebrating Spring!

To welcome and celebrate Spring, this lovely season of re-birth and renewal, I’m giving away an amazing book to some lucky visitor to my blog this week. Several weeks ago, I attended a book signing for Michelle Medlock Adams and Andy Clapp’s recently released book, Springtime for Your Spirit: 90 Devotions of Hope, Joy & New Beginnings.

Since that time, my mornings have been blessed by reading inspiring devotions from this beautifully written and illustrated book.

The lovely pictures which accompany each devotion will catch your eye, as each inspiring message brings joy and peace to your soul.

Each devotion not only features an inspirational teaching and quote but also gives readers the opportunity to Plant the Word, Pray the Word, and Work the Word, and learn more through a Did You Know? feature.”

Springtime for Your Spirit* (back cover)

I’m sure you will enjoy this book as much as I am and you have an opportunity to receive one! Please see details below.

Book give-away- Guidelines:
  • To enter and be eligible for the drawing on April 4, 2022, you will need to complete two tasks–leave a comment on this blog message AND sign up to follow Katherine’s blog using the “Subscribe to Updates” link on the top right sidebar of Katherine’s blog page.
  • The winner will be notified on April 5, 2022, using the email from your comment, at which time Katherine will request your mailing address. (I’m sorry, only United States entries are eligible).
  • Once winner’s address has been received, the book will be mailed–And I believe you will love it!

You make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. Psalm 92:4

What aspects of Spring bring you the most joy?

Wishing you a blessed Spring, my friends!

*Springtime for Your Spirit: 90 Devotions of Hope, Joy & New Beginnings, Michelle Medlock Adams and Andy Clapp, Good Books: New York, 2022.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful book. I’m in Texas, so one of my favorite things is seeing the bluebonnets!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I love bluebonnets, too, although I’ve only seen pictures. On my visit to Texas, it wasn’t the time for bluebonnets to be blooming. Are bluebonnets blooming now? Springtime for your Spirit is a wonderful book. Wishing you a blessed day!

  2. I live in a rural farming area and love to see the fields with alternating stripes of rich brownish-red cultivated soil and burgeoning yellow-green winter rye grass. And I know it’s spring now that I see the happy daffodils dancing along my walkway for the last few days. They’ve been trying to come up since we had a few strangely warm days early in January. I will note that our temps are dropping to the low twenties tonight though. I’m still claiming spring!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m claiming spring, too, Annie, even though there was ice on the horses’ water buckets this morning. I live in a rural area, too, but we don’t have the big fields of the Midwest. Thanks for stopping by my blog–hope your day is filled with joy and sunshine.

  3. J.D. Wininger says:

    What a great give-away Ms. Katherine. Pastor Andy is a gem and Mrs. Michelle always shines the joy of our Lord into the lives of everyone she meets. Haven’t had an opportunity to purchase a copy of this devotional yet, but it’s on my list. Spring always reminds me of “Renewal”; a chance for new growth that holds the promise of a bountiful harvest. The colors that emerge remind me that life continues and that better days are ahead. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Spring reminds me of renewal, too, J.D. and of rebirth. Everything springs forth from dormancy and displays its glorious beauty. Always reminds me of how beautiful we are to our Lord when we are born again. Although He loves us at all times, I think when Jesus lives in us we shine forth like the golden blossoms of daffodils lifting their bright heads to praise their creator. Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day on the ranch, my friend.

  4. You had me at the cover! Looks like a book full of promise and life. Thanks for making us aware of it.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It’s a wonderful book, Marilyn. Filled with wonderful stories, inspiring messages of faith, Scripture to guide our day, quotes to help us reflect on God’s love and grace, and lovely pictures of God’s amazing creation.

  5. In Central Pennsylvania we saw daffodils on Friday but swept or shoveled snow today. March is going out like a lion, but the crocuses and daffodils promise warmer weather on the way. Better days are ahead.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Spring is coming, even to Pennsylvania. Wishing you warmth and sunshine, Nancy, and a day filled with blessings (and no more snow until next winter!)

  6. Jennifer Knight says:

    The book sounds so good. I love spring and the flowers. It is short lived here in Montana, but I cherish every moment of it.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      When I was a pre-teen, I read Zane Grey books–a lot of them! I loved horses, cowboys, and stories of the Old West and Zane Grey told those stories so well. One (or more) of those books was set in Wyoming and it made me want to go there and it’s still on my list to visit your beautiful state.

      I’m sure you treasure Spring since the winters are long and cold. Michelle and Andy’s book is a beautiful expression of God’s love for us, the glory of Spring, and our Father’s creation. Wishing you a blessed and happy Spring.

  7. What a beautiful way to celebrate spring. Thanks for sharing this book. It was nice you were able to attend the book signing in person. Already subscribing but I know the person who wins will be blessed.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Spring brings longer days, glorious flowers and trees, and pollen. I welcome Spring as I sneeze, cough, and swat mosquitoes. But with every gift, there is usually a challenge and Spring is no different. But the blessings always bring joy to overcome the nuisances. I hope Spring is beautiful for you this year.

  8. This sounds like a great book! The anticipation is what I most enjoy about this time of year. The greening, the budding, the fulfillment of promises.

    Happy Spring, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Anticipation…love that, Candyce. We know God’s creation is just going to be more and more beautiful each day as the earth warms and celebrates. Thank you for sharing that lovely thought. The promise of rebirth and renewal fulfilled with the coming of Spring always reminds me of our rebirth through Jesus. Happy Spring to you, too, my friend.

  9. Esther M Bandy says:

    This looks like a wonderful book, and I look forward to reading it. Michelle and Pastor Andy, thank you for sharing it with us and for offering a giveaway. I haven’t had a chance to purchase it yet, but it’s on my list of books I look forward to reading. I also look forward to receiving your newsletter, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Esther. I’m so grateful for your encouragement and support. Springtime for your Spirit is a wonderful book. I know you will love it. I’m blessed each morning when I read a devotion. Wishing you blessings and joy on your journey, Esther.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      So do I, Diana. It’s beautifully welcome to a new day! Thank you for sharing.

  10. It looks like a wonderful book! Springtime is a season of hope and renewal!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It is a wonderful book, Kathy. I look forward to the blessing I receive each morning from Springtime for Your Soul. I look forward to sharing this book with someone. Wishing you joy and sunshine as we welcome a new month.

  11. I love the flowers, bird’s chirping, trees budding, warmer temps, and the fresh scent after a spring rain.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh me, too! Thank you for sharing how Spring brings you joy, LuAnn.

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