Give thanks in all circumstances

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV*)

In October of 2019, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Later that same month, a bone scan revealed the cancer had already metastasized to his bones and lymphatic system.

Surgery followed in November. The prognosis was uncertain. On Thanksgiving, it was hard to be thankful.

We struggled to give thanks in all circumstances.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)

As believers, we know God is good. We know He loves us by the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

But how do we give thanks in tragic circumstances?

My husband was thankful for:

  • His good health for 77 years
  • The gifts and talents God had given him
  • His ability to serve others by using those gifts
  • His children and grandchildren
  • A life well-lived

That’s not to say he was ready to leave this world. He fought hard to stay, but it wasn’t God’s plan. My husband’s condition continued to worsen and before another Thanksgiving could pass, he went to be with Jesus.

What I was thankful for:

  • The gift of love and years we had together
  • The ability to be his caregiver
  • The life we shared
  • Service done together in church and community
  • God’s gift of patience, perseverance, and strength to me during my husband’s illness

It is possible to find something for which to be thankful in all circumstances. As another Thanksgiving is upon us and I see his empty chair, I’m again reminded of the blessings of our marriage and the family we share. I think the depth of grief and sorrow is in direct correlation with the strength of shared love.

I am thankful.

Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. (Psalm 107:8-9)

For what are you thankful this year? On holidays, how do you honor the memories of loved ones gone before?

*All scripture is from the NIV


  1. JD Wininger says:

    As my wife and I have grown older, we come to better understand the finite nature of this human life, and in doing so, we, like you, have come to recognize the blessing that a loved one is. As we embrace the frailty of this life, we are also grateful to know that “this” is not all there is. Having the blessed hope of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ gives us the ability to be thankful in all circumstances. We know that whatever we face in our human lives will be but a vaporous, fleeting moment in the scheme of eternity. My wife and I can’t know what the next moment will bring us, but we know what our eternity holds. For this knowledge, God’s saving grace, is the power for us to give thanks in all circumstances. Will I give thanks in those moments? I doubt it. Will I thank God for being with me through those moments? Absolutely. God’s blessings and Happy Thanksgiving. As you and your family gather this holiday season, I know that “Farmer Bob” will be there with you as his love endures in the hearts of his family.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your words of assurance and comfort, my friend. I pray your Thanksgiving is blessed with peace, happiness, and love. Treasure those precious moments, J.D. As you remind us, our days here are fleeting, but there’s joy and praise in knowing glory awaits.

  2. Katherine, this post evolves both sadness and thanksgiving: sadness for your loss but thanksgiving to our Savior who has given you precious memories , and strength and grace to continue forward after your loss. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving sweet lady.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your words of comfort and compassion, Lisa. May your Thanksgiving be blessed with love and joy.

  3. Reading your article had me reflecting on my wife’s passing in April 2018. The remembrances of a love of a lifetime are a special gift. The emptiness, loneliness, and sadness of not experiencing this phase of life with her are still hard. Holidays are changed forever. At times my heart aches for my adult children as I see them missing their mother especially at the holidays. My children and I share memories of my wife/their mother at Thanksgiving, Christmas, her birthday, and especially Mother’s Day. A timely article. A big virtual hug and my love in Christ for you this holiday season.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You understand so well, Jimmie. It’s comforting (although still painful) to know someone else knows just how it feels. I pray you and your family will enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons and your memories will not just bring sorrow, but joy, as you recall the great love and wonderful experiences you had together. Thank you for your virtual hug, and sending one back to you, with love and good wishes.

  4. I am praying for you and all your loved ones this Thanksgiving, Katherine. I love the message of this verse.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Diana. I’m so grateful for your prayers. Wishing you a Happy and joyful Thanksgiving.

  5. Difficult times can rob us of the desire to be thankful. But when we concentrate on how good God is and how much He loves us we can thank Him just because He is God. This month I lost a 34 year old nephew suddenly and at this time we have no clue what happened. But I know I can still rejoice because God is who He is and that He never changes. Happy Thanksgiving, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You are right in your statement that “Difficult times can rob us of the desire to be thankful.” I experienced that challenge during my husband’s illness and following. And you are also right about God’s goodness–He didn’t desert me when I turned away from Him. He carried me through the caregiving and is still with me in the sorrow. I’m so thankful for His faithfulness and steadfastness even when we are not. I’m so sorry about your nephew. Wishing you safety, blessings, and a Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Thank you for this lovely post. I can only imagine how difficult losing your husband was. Sounds like his heart was in the right place as is yours.

    I know when we’re missing loved ones, the holidays bring special challenges. I’m praying for you. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so grateful for your prayers, Candyce. Yes, holidays and special occasions are hard when our loved ones are missing, but it’s also a time when those who gather can share remembrances and be assured their loved ones are not forgotten. Wishing you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Katherine, thank you. It doesn’t seem enough to say, but I am so encouraged by this. Thank you.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Just knowing your thoughts are with me brings comfort, Sylvia. Thank you. Hoping your Thanksgiving with your family is the best ever. Blessings!

  8. Jeannie Waters says:

    Katherine, thank you for sharing this heart-felt message of hope and obedience. Remembering our blessings is sometimes difficult in hard seasons, but reminders of the Father’s love comforts and encourages us. Blessings to you this season, my friend.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      The encouragement of friends and loved ones has helped me on this journey, Jeannie. I’m so grateful for your thoughts and prayers. Our God is so good and He is with us through every trial. I’m blessed. Wishing you a blessed, joyful, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I enjoy talking about those we are missing at holidays, reminiscing about who they were and our good times together. Thank you for this post, Katherine, and happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I also enjoy talking about loved ones who have gone on to be with Jesus. It means they’re not forgotten. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Annie.

  10. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Beautiful message of comfort. I pray you enjoy time with your family during Thanksgiving. Thanks Katherine

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your prayers, Yvonne. I’m grateful. I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was full of blessings and the upcoming Christmas season brings much joy and happiness.

  11. Thank you for your honesty in that difficult situation. I have always struggled with the statement to be thankful in everything. Until I read a book that said you don’t have to feel it, you just need to do it. In the doing you will begin to feel it. I found that so helpful.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That is helpful, Jen. It’s much like love–it’s an action more than a feeling. If we love, we show it through our actions. Your strategy of giving thanks is an action and hopefully, will bring on the feeling of gratitude if we actively thank. Thank you for sharing–so very helpful. Blessings!

  12. Your post is a wonderful reminder to be thankful in all things. Though we experience troubles, God walks with us through them. For that, I am very thankful.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so very thankful God is with us through the trials. I couldn’t make it without Him. Wishing you blessings and joy this Christmas season, LuAnn and Kenn.

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