In times such as these…

Our world is in crisis. It’s astonishing to see how rapidly Coronavirus (Covid-19), has spread around the globe.

In times such as these, we often see the best and worst of humanity. This past week, I was blessed to see some of the best.

Two separate incidences reminded me of something we can all do–Be kind.

As a caregiver, my opportunity to run errands is limited so I try to get a lot accomplished in a short time. This week we needed horse food and people food. At Tractor Supply I loaded five 50 pound bags of horse food onto a cart. I’m a skinny senior citizen, but as a lifetime farm girl, I’m tough, so I can lift a 50 pound sack of feed, but it isn’t pretty. So, when I got out to the truck with my load and a kind stranger said,

Ma’am, can I help you with that?”

I answered with a BIG smile and great relief, “Oh, that would be wonderful!”

This kind man lightened my load–in more ways than one.

The kindness didn’t stop there.

At the grocery store the shelves were still full, but the lines at the check-out were long. I chatted casually with the man in front of me as we waited. Suddenly he said, Back up.


He’d startled me. I backed up thinking something was wrong or that he’d gotten tired of waiting and thought another line might be quicker. He moved behind me and gestured,

You go first.”

I hadn’t told him I needed to hurry home, but somehow he must have known. He was kind.

These two strangers probably do kind actions such as these all the time without thinking about it. To them, it may have been a small thing.

It was a big thing!

During this time of trial when everyone is anxious about the physical health of our society and the financial health of our country, we are all affected in some way by this crisis. Whether or not we are part of the population that is vulnerable to the Coronavirus, a parent trying to find child care because schools are closed, a worker in a business that is being decimated by lack of customers, or a medical professional on the front lines of battling the virus, we have a stake in this frightening situation.

We, as individuals, are probably not in a position that we can find a cure for the virus. We may not be able to protect our neighbors from getting sick. We might not solve the financial crash. We probably can’t do the BIG thing to fix this crisis.

But, there are things we can do. We can do the small things that make someone’s day better. We can call and check on our elderly neighbors. We can help others with acts of compassion and generosity.

We can be kind.

Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

If you have suggestions as to how we can assist others during this crisis, please share in the comments.

In times like these, I’m praying for safety and good health for each of you. And, that we can all be kind.


  1. Jeannie Waters says:

    What an uplifting post, Katherine! Little things are huge when needed. Calling a person who may feel isolated during this time could generate a smile and a bit of joy. Sending a card with verses of Scripture can generate peace and security. Thank you for encouraging us to reach out.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Jeannie. I’m behind on my card sending and I needed a boost. Thank you for the reminder. Stay safe as you keep spreading joy.

  2. Thanks, Katherine! I love this post. Let us see this as a time to do unto others as we wish to for us. I agree, there’s so much we can do. In the big scheme of things, little things are not so small.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Joann. Little things can make a BIG difference, especially in times of crisis. Praying that you and your family are safe.

  3. What a great reminder that kindness is always an option for us, no matter how stressful the situation.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      One positive thing we have noticed during our self-isolation (chronic health condition), the news media is actually reporting acts of kindness being displayed during the world wide crisis. Just this morning a community in Italy all joined in singing Happy Birthday to an 80+ birthday for a resident. Celebrities are sharing with workers being displaced by business closures. Kindness shares the love and gives hope!

  4. Kindness should never go out of style. If kindness could spread as fast as a virus, just think how many kind acts would follow!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, yes, Barbara! I hope that can be the case. We are seeing evidence of kindness spreading on the news media. I pray we all can do our part!

  5. I would love to hear more specific ideas about what we can do. Yes, call and text. We can offer to deliver groceries. I love the above idea of mailing scripture encouragement. We can donate to food pantries as many of this population has lost income to closed businesses and they were already on the margins. We need to not just think of ourselves but be creative in helping others.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree that this is the time to think outwardly instead of just within our small circle. You’ve given us a challenge and your ideas are great. One more thing we can do is to pray that God will show us where there are needs.

  6. Amen Ms. Katherine. We can, and must, show the world God in our lives during this time. If we become as anxious, self-centered, and afraid as everyone else in the world during this crisis than non-Christians will be right to ask “What good is this God you claim to follow?” We must be the light in this world God has made us to become. We must shine His light in this darkened world so others might see what they to can become through His love, care, and guidance in their lives. We must all focus on doing the small things to remind others that we are not of this world; and we have nothing to fear in this world as we are just visitors in it. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve always been comforted by the metaphor of Jesus as the Light of the world. In this time of darkness and fear, it is our task to be the extension of God’s Light, to spread hope, cheer, and light to help dispel the darkness of depression and anxiety. Thank you for your encouragement, my friend. I know that you are spreading light wherever you are. Praying for safety, protection, and good health.

  7. It is nice to see that there are kind people helping each other. The media shows us the worst most of the time. You are so right though, we need to focus on showing God’s love and kindness at all times but especially when people are fearful and panicked. We can help others by using the peace within us to show them Jesus. Thank you, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve been pleased to see the media sharing some stories of hope, goodness, and kindness. Typically, as you note, all we see and hear are the worst reports. I pray that God will show us how we can share love, peace, and blessings with His children during this time of fear and anxiety.

  8. Diane Wininger says:

    Thank you, Katherine for reminding us that a RAC doesn’t cost us a dime. This panic has shown that not everyone is using common sense or thinking about their neighbor. Fortunately, God placed you in a place where you were able to experience first-hand that there is still love in this panicked world we’re living in.

    God’s blessings to you, Katherine

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I am so blessed, my friend. But, sometimes I forget. Thank you for the gentle and loving reminder. Praying for safety and protection for you all on Cross-Dubya.

  9. God knew your needs and knew just how to use others to comfort you. Thank you for sharing how much the two small acts lifted you. Your post has lifted me.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You are absolutely right! God knows our needs and sends His angels as messengers and comforters. Thank you for reminding us of His many blessings.

  10. This is so encouraging. If we’re willing to reach out with kindness to one another during this pandemic, I believe the body of Christ can come out of this pandemic with a greater understanding of our purpose and a greater love for eachother. God can use this to build His kingdom and strengthen the church.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It’s been gratifying to see the many acts of kindness that individuals, groups, and industries are doing during this crisis. Of course not all of what we see and hear is positive, but I’m praying that we who love Jesus can be the examples of loving one another through this world-wide crisis. Wishing you and your family safety and good health, Pastor Joshua.

  11. Inspiring reminders of ways to serve. Thank you for sharing. Many people may be struggling to pay bills; offering to help with their finances may brighten their day.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Deborah. Many are losing their jobs. Likely that is temporary, but still tragic when the bills continue to come. Thank you for reminding us to share with others in need.

  12. Love this, Katherine. I agree. There is so much we can do to alleviate stress in others. Kindness looks beautiful on everyone.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I like than, Jeanne–kindness looks beautiful. Thanks for the day brightener!

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