Rainy day blues

I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit. (Leviticus 26:4)

We’ve had much needed rain recently. A lot of rain–and I’m grateful. As a farm girl, I’ve learned to appreciate rain, even when it’s inconvenient.

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone. (Zechariah 10:1)

God sends rain for more than one purpose.

Rain nourishes the earth and fosters growth of plants, animals, and people. Water is essential for life. But even though I love and appreciate the many benefits of rain, I can still get the rainy day blues. My rose bush (pictured above) had the rainy day blues, too. After a night of torrential rain earlier this week, she’s tired, weary, and beat down.

We get that way too, don’t we? Overworked, overburdened, and overwhelmed. And when the rainy days come, the blues rest heavy on our shoulders.

But we are not alone when we are weary.

“Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” (Acts 14:17)

Our Father not only provides rain to give and maintain life. He is with us when our burdens are heavy; when we are sad or lonely; and when we are overwhelmed with work or family responsibilities. He is with us through all our trials. He is never more than a prayer away. He gives us joy!

Our Father is LORD.

Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No it is you, LORD our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this. (Jeremiah 14:22)

Our Father loves us with a love beyond our comprehension.

This is how God showed his love for us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friend, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:9-11)

It’s hard for me to stay in the doldrums, to feel sad when I recognize God’s great love for me. I hope the realization of God’s love for you brings joy and sunshine to your life.

And speaking of sunshine…

After another night of heavy rain, blue skies and sun graced my day. And, the rose bush?

Today she lifts her rosy blossoms upward toward the sun, her source of light and nourishment.

We find our life, light, and nourishment through the Son.

“You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I. the LORD, have created it.” (Isaiah 45:8)

How does spring remind you of God’s love? What thoughts or activities help you return to joy after a bout of “rainy day” (or sunny day) blues?

I’m praying for you!


  1. J.D. Wininger says:

    Oh what a wonderful blessing it is to know we have friends who lift us up in prayer. We may not always know who is praying for us, but we can sense their caring. We may not always know why we are being led to pray for a friend or someone we’ve barely met, but we do because we know that following God’s leading ALWAYS brings blessings. To be a conduit of God’s blessings in the greatest honor we can have as man I think. Loved this post, and hope you know that your prayers are returned my friend.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Your response shows your deep faith, my friend, and voices the assurance that following our Lord always brings blessings. Thank you, sir, for sharing your faith and wisdom with us and for being a wonderful role model and mentor.

  2. Beautifully said, Katherine! Your beautiful rose bush is a perfect example for us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Annie. So wonderful to see you in the mountains this week. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry of service to our Lord.

  3. It really speaks to the need to keep our vision on the ‘after-the-rain’ times! All within the wisdom of our good God. Thanks for the reminder (and lovely pics). Praying for some of that rainy abundance here in the parched southwest!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Wendy. I’m praying for rain for you and all those in the midst of this dangerous drought. Blessings!

  4. Rain is a blessing for the soil and gives us representation of the spiritual rain the Lord drops upon us. Without either type of rain we would be dry and desolate. Thanks for sharing your beautiful roses that show us what the refreshment of water can do for us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I love your description, “spiritual rain.” Yes, our earth needs nourishment and so do we. Just like creation cannot survive without God’s care, His spiritual rain, neither can we. Thank you for sharing Barbara.

  5. The newness of things. Rebirth of life. The return of color. These are things that Spring promises after a cold, dark, Winter. They also remind me of the newness of life given to all who trust in and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. I wouldn’t be surprised if heaven will be like experiencing eternal Spring.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That’s such a wonderful thought, Ben, “heaven will be like experiencing eternal spring.” We have so much to look forward to! Wishing you continued blessings.

  6. I love the analogy! I saw the same thing this past week with the flowering bushes when I was out walking. I will remember this post as I go out again in the sunshine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It always continues to amaze me how rain and sun can revive plants that have been suffering from the lack of one or the other. Reminds me of how our Father nourishes us and revives us after a trial. Wishing you joy and sunshine, Sylvia!

  7. Sometimes, I’m caught in the blues and I simply survive the day, knowing sunshine will return and so will my cheer.

    But other times, I take those blues and bring them to Jesus. When I focus on his love, his provision, his forgiveness, his power in me, his everything-ness to me, then my blues are overtaken by the joy of salvation.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Jesus tells us to take our burdens to Him. Thank you for reminding us that He is always trustworthy and faithful, only a prayer away. Thank you for visiting my blog, Sara Jane. Wishing you joy and blessings on your journey

  8. I deeply appreciate (and need) the fact that the Lord is with us when it’s HIM that allows those heavy rains of difficulty …

    He is with us when our burdens are heavy; when we are sad or lonely; and when we are overwhelmed with work or family responsibilities. He is with us through all our trials. He is never more than a prayer away. He gives us joy!

    Uplifting post, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Mary. Like you, I am so grateful that our Lord is with us through those “heavy rains of difficulty,” our burdens, our sorrow, and our trials. We are so blessed.

  9. Esther M Bandy says:

    This is a beautiful message, Katherine. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your kindness and encouragement, Esther. Wishing you joy and blessings!

  10. Your beaten down rose bush provided a great lesson about God’s care and for us to reach up to Him when we’re beaten down! Thanks so much, Katherine, for an “uplifting” message!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We’ve all felt “beaten down” at times, haven’t we? Thank you for sharing “uplifting thoughts” today, Kathy. Wishing you continued blessings, my friend.

  11. Being outdoors and hearing the birds chirp and sing, remind me of God’s goodness and fill me with joy! I’m smiling just thinking about God’s precious creation.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We are so blessed, LuAnn. I’m so glad you love being out in God’s creation, too. Wishing you joy and sunshine!

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