Using our gifts

I’m blessed to have a nature trail near my house. I walk there whenever I can. Being in God’s Creation brings me stress relief, peace, and I usually learn some great lessons. Another bonus is the exercise for my physical and mental well-being.

Typically the pastures along the trail are filled with Angus cattle. But this year, only a few bulls remain. The cows have been sold or moved to a different location. This spring, two of the pastures were cultivated and sown with corn.

This is what the pasture, now a cornfield, looked like in May. But in July (just two months), there has been a drastic change.

Now the corn is nearing its time of harvest. What happened from spring until now to create such a beautiful and bountiful corn crop?

Man prepared the land, planted the seed. God provide ample sun and adequate rain to turn that seed into tall stalks of corn that reach for the sky.

You will eat the fruit of your labor, blessings and prosperity will be yours. Psalm 128:2

But something else happened even earlier.

Cows, lots of cows–well-fed with grass, grain, silage, and hay lived in these pastures for a year previously. The cattle did what cattle do–they ate (a lot) and they pooped (a lot). The cow manure provided fertilizer to produce a lush crop.

The cows didn’t know they where providing a gift to the farmer’s harvest, but they did it just the same.

It is all part of God’s plan.

We don’t always know when we are providing a gift for the harvest of God’s children–spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. But everything we do has an affect on whether others see Jesus in us.

Unlike the cows though, we have the ability to focus our gifts directly into God’s work. We have abilities God granted us from the Fruit of the Spirit.

For the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against these there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

We can be part of God’s plan. We can use His gifts to bring others to Jesus.

Oh! What a joyous Harvest that will be!


  1. J.D. Wininger says:

    Thank God for inventing drag harrows to spread all that natural fertilizer around. The rain God provides help too. Did you know how much nitrogen is in rainfall!? Loved the post my friend; I started to ask myself “When did Ms. Katherine drop by for a visit?”

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      All my years on the farm, I guess, have provided me with some knowledge of farm animals and growing things. We always had beef cows, crosses between Hereford and Angus, but I don’t have all the knowledge you do since you’ve begun to ranch. That’s why I enjoy your lessons from the Cross-Dubya so much–I’m still learning. One of these days, I hope to see your ranch and its wonderful owners in person. Wishing you and sweet Ms. Diane continued blessings, my friend.

  2. Terri R Miller says:

    There is so much to be learned about God’s truths by observing his creation. Thank you for these encouraging words.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Terri. I agree, we gain wonderful lessons from God’s Creation–we just need to watch and listen. I’m still working on it! Wishing you a blessed day.

  3. He does give us gifts for the purpose of sharing and blessing others. Paul encouraged Timothy to stir up the gift what was within him. Thanks for sharing this word picture because it does make a great point.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “Stir the gift”–I like that. Stirring can produce good results. When we prepare an awesome dessert, stirring puts everything together to make the flavors blend to create something yummy. When we cook, stirring keeps our food from sticking or burning. When we cultivate a cow pasture, “stirring” (with the proper equipment) spreads the manure around evenly to be sure every seed receives some fertilizer. Thank you for remind us to “stir” our gifts. Many will benefit when we do so.

  4. Such a great illustration of life cycles and nature working in harmony so that different life forms, not only co-exist, but aid each other in the process. God’s master plan!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Amen, Candyce! If only I were better at recognizing and following His master plan for me. Still working on it. Thank you for your encouragement.

  5. I love that you took such a relatable approach to a bigger plan of God. I’m always blessed by a glimpse into God’s bigger plan. Thanks!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Sylvia. Like you, I am blessed when God shares a glimpse of His Master plan. We’re even more blessed to be a part of His plan to share the Good News with us. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry.

  6. Your post points out that sometimes we don’t recognize the gifts we have to offer. Wonderful!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Many times I will hear people say, “I don’t have any gifts.” Of course, we know that isn’t true, but so many times we are fearful of failure so we don’t step out with confidence to do God’s work. But if we ask Him, He will guide us in service to Him. I’m not perfect in hearing or following every aspect of His plan, but my Father has been with me in many baby steps in His service. I need to be better about encouraging others to share their gifts. Praying to be an encourager. Blessings!

  7. Jeannie Waters says:

    Katherine, your analogy about corn and cows teaches valuable spiritual lessons. This part spoke to me: “We don’t always know when we are providing a gift for the harvest of God’s children–spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. But everything we do has an affect on whether others see Jesus in us.” Thank you, dear writer friend, for this encouraging word from your experience.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Jeannie, you have such a gift for being an encourager. Thank you for sharing your gifts with so many. You are a Light for Jesus and a wonderful role model for us. We are so grateful for your ministry of hope–you “brighten” our day!

  8. I echo Jeannie’s sentiment — your comment about not always knowing when we’re providing a gift for the harvest of God’s children resonated with me. We never know when people are watching and learning or when even the smallest thing might make an impact.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think that’s the scariest part about considering our impact on those around us. The smallest acts (both good and bad) impact others and they see whether or not Jesus is in our hearts. That’s such an enormous responsibility for Christians. Thank you, Leigh, and may God bless you and your service to Him.

  9. Cows and rain and sunshine–perfect to grow corn and to teach us an important lesson, Katherine! Like Jeannie, I was especially encouraged by your words, “We don’t always know when we are providing a gift for the harvest of God’s children–spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. But everything we do has an affect on whether others see Jesus in us.” Because many times we don’t know how our words or actions may have helped show the Lord to someone.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You express it so well, Kathy. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your wisdom and inspiration.

  10. Katherine, what pictures you created here! I was especially drawn to “ we don’t always know…” We don’t but as we move in obedience, we influence and God uses it as He chooses and we may never see outcomes. That’s encouraging I think, when it comes to writing. We never know how our words will meet a need.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “Moving in obedience…” That’s the key point for us. Do we seek our Father’s guidance and respond in obedience? I confess, I struggle at times with the task of submitting EVERYTHING to God. Somehow, I still want to be in control of some aspects of my life. I love the way you bring hope for us as authors–that even though we might sometimes feel our work is meaningless, God is using our writing to fulfill His purpose. Thank you for hope and encouragement.

  11. To think God uses anything I have to offer, any seed at all, is humbling. Grateful you were able to see the benefit of using his gifts to bless others. You have certainly done that in your own life and impacted many with your inspirational posts, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Mary, thank you for your encouragement. You have the gift of bringing sunshine on a gloomy day. You are a wonderful example of using your gifts in service to our Father and His children. Blessings, my friend.

  12. Dawn Bata says:

    Katherine, thank you for your post.
    Surrounding myself in His creation, I am able to find peace and it is as if all my stress melts away.
    “It is all part of God’s plan.” Yes, so true. What a privilege to be part of His plan.
    Thank you for the reminder, “But everything we do has an affect on whether others see Jesus in us.” Praying that others see Jesus in me.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Dawn, I pray that same prayer–that others will see Jesus in me. Thank you for your encouragement. Like you, God’s creation brings me peace and great blessings. Wishing you a wonderful week and, I hope, some time with nature.

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