Walk in the light

But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

On a recent walk, I traversed beneath branches of towering oaks and poplar. Ahead on the trail, a small open space beckoned to me. The sun’s powerful rays penetrated breaks in the leaf canopy, suffusing this quiet refuge with golden glow. As the light drew me into a warm embrace, the verse above ran through my mind.

Walk in the light

Several months ago, as I prepared for bed, I remembered something I needed from another room. I didn’t bother to turn on a light–after all, I knew where I was going. I bent over to retrieve the forgotten object and slammed my forehead into the wooden back of a dining room chair. A chair I hadn’t seen because of darkness.

I stumbled back, dizzy from the impact. Knowing I’d likely have a bruise and swelling, I grabbed a cloth and some ice, attempting to alleviate evidence of my careless trek in darkness. The cloth came away bloody–I probably needed a stitch.

We need light

Light helps keep us from stumbling in the darkness. Jesus reminded His disciples:

“It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.” (John 11:10)

Hmm…when one walks in the dark, they can be physically injured (i.e. a bump on the head) or they can be spiritually attacked by the enemy and tempted into sin. Last week my message focused on hitting Rock Bottom–a condition usually caused by walking in spiritual darkness.

“Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light so that you may become children of light.” (John 12:35b-36a)

Those times I’ve attempted to walk without my Lord as my guide–that’s when I’ve stumbled in darkness, separated from God, and plummeted into the pit of sin. If we attempt to traverse this life without our Lord’s guidance, we tumble into darkness.

We need the light of our Lord and Savior, to escape the darkness of sin.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. (John12:46)

I wasn’t seriously injured by my head bump, but I did have to confess to my daughter how I acquired a cut and bruise on my forehead. I haven’t tried that stunt again.

Wishing you blessings, my friends on your journey in the light!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay


  1. Katherine, I’m glad you weren’t seriously injured. You gave us a vivid example of the dangers of walking in darkness. We can be deceived because we do think we know where we are going. Only when we “hit our heads” do we realize the dangers of not following the Light. Blessings and peace!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I was blessed, Barbara, likely because God gifted me with a hard head! You are right about deception–it’s so easy for us to get off track and fall into the enemy’s clutches. I’m so thankful we have our Savior and Guide to keep us on the right path and that He lights the way for us. Wishing you a blessed week.

  2. J.D. Wininger says:

    Forgive me for chuckling my friend, but I promise I laughed with you and not at you. I too have been guilty many times of trying to do something “in the dark.” How many times have I moved forward with a plan to do something without first consulting God and asking His guidance. I’ve got scarred shins, crooked toes, and arthritic finger joints to prove it. We need His light to safely guide our lives. Another encouraging post. So glad you didn’t injure yourself beyond your dignity my friend. I’ve often walked away, stunned a bit, and chiding myself for doing that!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, you gifted me with a full-fledged belly laugh, my friend. Whenever I confess my foolishness of stumbling around in the dark looking for…I don’t even remember now, I have to chuckle about it. Like you, I have those scars and memories that remind me to stay in the light–to seek our Father’s guidance instead of stumbling around in the dark. I’m sorry I’ve been such a slow learner on this, but grateful beyond measure that our Lord doesn’t give up on us.

  3. Glad you weren’t seriously injured. Today I have my annual mammogram. I woke early this morning and thought of the test and began to worry. Although I am a 17 years breast cancer survivor, that fear of the “what if?” still tries to creep in. As I opened my eyes, I noticed the early morning light peeking through the blinds. God’s light. His promise. All will be okay. I am walking with Him and His light is shining.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m thinking of you today, Melissa, and praying all goes well. I love your imagery of the morning sun, reminding us of God’s light and His promise. I think that’s why I love sunrises so much–it’s the gift of a new day and the blessings that God shares with us every day. Wishing you a sunny day, filled with joy!

  4. We walk in the dark more often than we realize, more often than we are willing to admit. Thanks for this transparent, humble piece in which you admit what most of us would try to hide. Thanks, Katherine. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’ve spent way too much time in my life walking in darkness. It is only by God’s love, grace, and mercy that He rescued this sinner from the pit. I spent many years trying to hide my sin and guilt, but He brought me freedom from that burden when He rescued me. Thanks so much for sharing, Nancy. Wishing you a blessed and joyful week.

  5. Your posts are always so timely. God bless you and your forthcoming book release. I couldn’t help but think “Things That Go Bump In The Night” and remember when I stumped my toe or bumped my head. We all need the light of Jesus.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Jimmie, and I’m so grateful for your good wishes for the upcoming release of Honoring God with My Body: Journey to Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle. As you know, from your publishing experiences, this is a hectic and exiting time. Oh…those “Things that go Bump in the Night.” Sometimes it’s our heads!

  6. Praise God for the light! I find it extremely interesting that the very first act of creation is “And God said, Let there be light.” He knew how much we’d need it. Glad you weren’t seriously injured in the dark, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think it’s extra special that light was the first part of creation and very fitting that Jesus is the Light of the world who banishes the dark. The symbolism is unmistakable. Wishing you joy and blessings, Mary.

  7. God starts each new day with the sunrise bringing us light again. I see this as symbolic of His grace. We get a fresh dose of it each morning and another chance to “walk in the light.”

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I love sunrises, Candyce, and your expression of God’s gift of grace is one of the main reasons sunrises appeal to me so much. “We get a fresh does of it (grace) each morning and another chance to ‘walk in the light’.” Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  8. Ouch! You give such a vivid physical example of the dangers of darkness that I must contemplate examples in my own life where I got some bumps and bruises from spiritual darkness. God’s Word is a light I must switch on every day to illuminate my path.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I really like the way you said that, Annie, “God’s Word is a light I must switch on every day to illuminate my path.” So true! We need His Light to guide our path. Wishing you blessings on the journey.

  9. I love the Biblical descriptions of Jesus as our light. What an amazing God we serve that wants to guide and direct us to bring us closer to Himself.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, I agree, Jen, our God is an awesome God and we are so blessed that He wants us close and under His protection.

  10. I’m so glad you weren’t seriously hurt! Your mishap did provide a great reminder of how important it is to walk in the true light of Christ!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your concern and good wishes, Kathy. I was blessed that the knock on the head just produced some temporary soreness (after I got the bleeding stopped). But I did learn a lesson–it’s not wise to wander around in a dark house. Wishing you joy and sunshine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your good wishes, LuAnn. We are so blessed by His Light. I hope you are enjoying Fall.

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