Love is the key to finding wellness

We’re taught to put others first, to not be self-centered, put the needs of others above our own.

That’s true–to a point.

Dear friends, since God loves us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11)

God’s gift of love

  • God created us with the ability to love.
  • God showed His great love for us by sending us a Savior to save us from our sins.
  • Because we are given great love, we are called to love others as God loves us.
  • But just because we are called to love and serve others does not mean we shouldn’t love ourselves.

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

Matthew 22:37-38

Jesus reminds us:

Love God first.
Love your neighbor and yourself!

A vital aspect of loving yourself is taking care of your body.

  • Be active.
  • Eat more of what is good for you and less of what is not.
  • Avoid use of products that are hazards to your health: tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
  • Do something every day to give yourself and others a smile.

Remember–God loves you and wants the very best for you. Love yourself, too!


  1. Thank you Katherine for reminding us that self-care and soul-care are not self-ish but essential, if we aim to please God and care for others.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Our Father gifted us with this amazing human body and caring for our body in service to Him is so important. Caring for ourselves is imperative for our ability to serve God to our fullest potential. Thank you for your encouragement, Marilyn.

  2. Terri Miller says:

    Great reminder that love is the key! When I feel good, strong, healthy, is when I’m at my best for others.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes! Me, too, Terri. And when we don’t take good care of ourselves we feel so bad that it’s a struggle to care for others. Ignoring self-care can interfere with our ability to serve our Lord. He created us to be healthy and will support us on that journey. We are blessed by His love and concern for every aspect of our lives.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Wishing you a blessed day, too, filled with sunshine and warmth!

  3. JD Wininger says:

    His love can cure all my friend. Amen! What great points!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, sir. We are so blessed that God cares about all aspects of our lives. Wishing you good health and blessings, my friend.

  4. As a caregiver, I must remember I can’t take care of others if I don’t take care of myself. Thank you for the reminder nudge, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That’s so true, Diana. But sometimes that’s the hardest thing to do–to find time and energy to take care of ourselves. May God continue to bless you on this journey.

  5. Another great reminder. Thank you, Katherine. Your posts are so inspiring.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your kind encouragement, Connie. I’m so grateful for you support. Wishing you joy and blessings (and some warm sunshine this week).

  6. Such good wisdom: to seek a reason to smile/laugh every day; to be called means to act; to do something to love ourselves daily.

    Great post, Katherine. Thanks and God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Love God, love one another, and love ourselves. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone would do that? Thank you for sharing a smile and encouragement, Nancy. Wishing you blessings.

  7. When we love others, we want what’s best for them. So, when we love ourselves, we’ll want what’s best for our wellbeing, too, which includes good health and a deeper walk with the Lord. Thank you for this brief but insightful post.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for adding your insightful thoughts, LuAnn. I believe our close and active relationship with our Lord is essential for our good health. He guides us on that journey. Blessings!

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