Pick one!

For the past several weeks, for Wellness Wednesday, I’ve written about God’s great love for us and the awesome creation He granted us when He shaped and formed our bodies. I’ve encouraged you to take care of your bodies in order to honor this gift (our amazing body). Today I urge you–Pick one!

Pick one?

The cute little daisy pictured above bloomed last week. Its brother and sister daisies bloomed months ago, but this brave little happy flower defied the odds by surviving heat, drought, and frost. Instead of picking this pretty little blossom (as I was tempted to do), I choose to be inspired by its tenacity. I can hear her saying, “Look at me–I’m blooming in spite of hardship–I’m tough and strong!”

So what do I mean by–“Pick one?” Caring for our bodies involves developing habits that are good for our bodies Sometimes starting good habits is hard. More accurately, perhaps, the phrase should be, “Starting good habits is hard.” We must have tenacity to begin and maintain a challenging good habit.

How about starting one good new habit?

I challenge you to pick one:

Drink more water–This can mean replacing some other type of beverage with water. Perhaps cut back on soda, tea, coffee, or alcohol and drink more water instead.

Choose healthier protein–If you are a meat eater, replace some of your red meat meals (burgers, steak, bacon, ham, etc.) with fish, salmon, or poultry, cooked in a healthy way (not fried). Beans and legumes are also great sources of protein.

Add more activity–It’s not winter yet, there’s still time to add some outdoor walking. But when the weather is too cold, look for more opportunities to walk inside (in your home, when shopping, prayer walk at church or with a friend). Coming soon in a Wellness Wednesday post, I’ll share some simple indoor activities you can do at home.

Remember those fruits and veggies we spoke of earlier? How are you doing with eating five servings of fruits and veggies prepared in a healthy way (not fried, avoiding added sugar or fat)? If you’re struggling to get five servings, can you try for one more per day than you’re averaging now? Even small changes can make a difference.

Pick Me!

Consider–is there a small voice in your head telling you, “Pick me!” That little voice could be reminding you to choose a good habit to begin. Your new habit may not be one of the above suggestions. What other new habit might you choose? Please share so I can encourage and pray for you.

Wishing you a healthy, happy, and joyful week!


    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Doctor. I’m always grateful for your encouragement and input. Wishing you a blessed day.

  1. Ben Cooper says:

    Katherine, That daisy reminds me of the lilac bush with several hardy blooms on it as of yesterday, November 1st. Your post reminds me that I need to make the effort to drink more water. Thanks for nudging us in the right direction.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Ben. Our Father created us with water as a primary part of our body that needs replenishing often. Much the same as we need His spiritual renewal on a regular basis. Wishing you joy and blessings in the upcoming week.

  2. J.D. Wininger says:

    Love this article Ms. Katherine. Especially appreciated how you chose to let that tenacious little daisy continue to serve all who might see it, rather than picking it and keeping that lesson to yourself. This morning the concept of “trying to boil the ocean” has been on my heart, following a dear friend’s text requesting prayer support. We so often attempt to control and do everything. When we do that, we often end in frustration and failure. Instead, we must do what God leads us to do about a situation and let God do what God is going to do. Great article ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing your wisdom, my friend. You always bring so much more meaning when you add your insight to my message. I have never heard the term, “boil the ocean,” but I think I’m guilty of wanting to be in that driver’s seat in attempting to add that heat and stir the pot. I’m thankful our Father has been patient with me and picks me up when the boat I’m “trying” to steer crashes and dumps me into the deep water. Our God is gracious, merciful, loving, and forgiving. We are so blessed.

  3. Love the introduction and application, Katherine. One habit, one chore, one step at a time serves well for all of life.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Diana. Yes, one habit and one step at a time will take us closer and closer to the lifestyle God meant for us to have when He created this amazing human body–“fearfully and wonderfully made.” Wishing you joy and blessings.

  4. How can we pick just one when all are needed for our health? You offered a difficult challenge, Katherine. I think mine is the activity. As writers we sit so much so I have to make the effort to get up and move. Thanks for urging us on!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I have the same problem, Barbara. I’m normally a very active person, but as I’ve been led to write more and more, I sit more and more. It means I must plan my active time. It’s important to take those activity breaks–it’s good for our body and our brain.

  5. What a creative post, Katherine. My doctor has told me more than once that I need to drink more water. Thanks for the reminder. God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You have a wise doctor, Nancy and I’m glad he/she is encouraging you to drink water. This amazing liquid, that makes up a huge percent of our body, is part of God’s amazing creation. We are blessed that, here in our country, water is clean and available. Wishing you many blessing in the upcoming week.

  6. Tammy Hubbard says:

    I’ve been focusing on my water intake this week…getting back in the habit of using an app on my phone that reminds me (however I program it) to drink another glass. It’s not really so hard if I just pick up the glass when it reminds me to take another drink. It even comes with encouraging messages with the reminders!

    Here’s the one I use, which I do pay for, but the free app is very good: “My Water: Daily Drink Tracker” by My Water OU. I tried several and settled on this one because it’s simple and easy to use and to add to previous days if you forget to track. Thank you for encouraging me to start small and choose a new healthy habit to focus on each week!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      This is a wonderful idea, Tammy. Thanks so much for sharing so others can see. It’s a great incentive for those who are struggling to increase their water intake. I’ve worked over the years to slip away from sweet tea as my favorite beverage. Water is now my drink of choice, but it took me several years to make that transition. Wishing you much success as you make the commitment to add more water. Blessings!

  7. Terri Miller says:

    It seems here lately the fact that I need to make some changes in my eating habits is constantly on my mind. More specifically, eating less bread and sweets. Time to stop thinking about it and just do it!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Sweets are my downfall, too, Terri. As the holiday season approaches it will be an even greater challenge for us. I’m praying we will continue to strive toward healthier choices. Wishing you a great week, filled with sunshine and joy!

  8. Oh boy–yours is the second blog I’ve read in two days about drinking more water! It would no doubt be to my benefit to be more intentional about this habit. Thank you, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Wow, Nancy, perhaps God is sending you a message. He created us so that water is essential and beneficial to our existence. I hope you can add more water to your daily routine. Wishing you joy and blessings on the journey.

  9. Thank you for your posts and book. I gave up sodas long ago. And although I live in Tennessee, I don’t drink sweet tea either. Water is my preferred drink and has been for many years. A healthy choice I recently made was to quit snacking between meals or after dinner. If I feel I must snack, I grab fruit or nuts. You’ve got me thinking about my health again, and that’s a good thing!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      LuAnn, you brought a smile with your message. You’re doing so many good things for your health. Like you, water is my drink of choice, but I haven’t totally given up my sweets–yet. Not eating after dinner is a great habit. Wishing you continued joy and good wishes on your journey to wellness. Happy Thanksgiving!

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