Welcome to new beginnings!

As sunrise announces a new day, we realize the blessing of a new beginning. We can leave yesterday’s mistakes behind and embrace new opportunities.

It’s the same with a New Year–the mistakes we made last year are behind us. A new year is dawning with the opportunity to make different choices for our health.

Are you considering making some healthier choices this year?

While it is tempting to plan numerous “resolutions” to help us be healthier and happier, we need to be careful not to get overwhelmed by setting too many goals. Consider starting with two or three actions and get those established, before adding any additional goals.

Can you prayerfully consider some of these changes and select two or three healthy habits to work toward in 2023?
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water daily.
  • Add an additional fruit or vegetable to each meal (prepared in a healthy way–sorry, apple pie doesn’t count as a healthy fruit!)
  • Take three walking breaks each day (inside or out). You can start with one to two minutes and work your way up to ten to fifteen minutes over a ten-week period (ten weeks is a good goal to establish a new and healthy habit).
  • Limit your fried foods to once a week.
  • Give up sweetened beverages or limit yourself to one per day (replace with water).

Do these changes sound impossible? Modify as needed, as long as you’re still taking steps to make healthier choices. Or choose another action which can lead to a healthier you.

Please let me know if I can pray for you as you strive toward a healthier lifestyle.

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!

Honoring God with My Body: Journey to Wellness and a Health Lifestyle provides practical advice, achievable goals, and encouragement to help you on your journey to wellness. Available online at all major booksellers.


  1. J.D. Wininger says:

    Good thoughts Ms. Katherine. There are many little things we can do each day that lead to making a big difference in our health. Great list ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, kind sir. Yes, those small changes can add up to big results if we persevere. I’m so grateful for your support and encouragement on my writing journey. You have such a giving spirit and I continue to be blessed by your kindness.

  2. Your suggestions make it easier for us to implement them into daily life. Sometimes we try to change habits too quickly which causes burnout and failure. As we take smaller steps success can be achieved without frustration. Happy New Year, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Small steps and a steady pace can take us a long way toward wellness and a healthy lifestyle. One step at a time..
      Wishing you good health and happiness in 2023. So glad you’re home!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your support and encouragement, Diana. Wishing you joy and blessings.

  3. I love these tips, Katherine. By the way, you can bake an apple with spices and coconut oil (or peanut butter without sugar), perhaps adding a bit of oatmeal, and get the taste of apple pie without the calories, carbs, and extra sugar. It’s a cheat treat I go for often. Thanks and God bless!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That’s a wonderful tip, Nancy. Apples are good for us! Thanks so much for sharing that healthy thought. Sending a wish for joy and blessings in 2023 for you and your family.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year, Melissa. Your smile always gives me joy. Thank you!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for your good wishes, Sylvia, and your kind encouragement. Hoping 2023 is packed with joy and blessings for you and your family.

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