Light penetrates the fog

On some days, does it seem that nothing goes right? Do you ever have those days when you feel glum, sluggish, or a little foggy? But those gloomy, foggy days can be brighter when we remember that light penetrates fog.

I love the mountains, but one can experience any sort of climate in that location; weather changes can be rapid on mountain terrain. In the above picture, the foggy morning obscures some of the clarity of this mountain lake. But as the sun rises, it’s power and light “burn off the fog,” as we country folks sometimes say.

I’ll not go into the scientific reasons that sunlight sends fog away, but I extend to you a reminder that light penetrates the fog and takes away its power.

The Light of the Son penetrates fog

The Light of Jesus penetrates the fog of our lives.

His light banishes the clouds, murkiness, and barriers that separate us from our Lord. The light of Jesus illuminates a pathway in the darkness, giving us guidance and hope on the journey.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

The Light of Jesus brings hope to a dark world.

There is much darkness in our world–poverty, hunger, human trafficking, injustice, hatred for those who are different, and war. Then there’s loneliness, sorrow, pain, and grief. Yet, in Jesus, sent to us by our Father to take the sins of the world upon Himself, we find mercy, hope, and love.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2)

We are chosen by God to be a light.

In the darkness of our world, we are called to praise our Father as we spread the light and love of Jesus to others. God chooses us for His purposes.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

Do you notice the lovely blossom above absorbs light and reflects it back toward the eye of the viewer? When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we accept the Holy Spirit into our bodies, the Light of Jesus dwells within us.

We share His Light with others

The Light of Jesus shines forth from us as we share His love with others. When we serve others, by sharing goodness, kindness, and love, we bless God’s children with our light.

The above picture reminds me how the Light of Jesus changes those on whom He shines. We are emboldened by His Light, made beautiful beyond our comprehension, and are able to achieve far more than what we believe our capabilities to be.

We can be our Lord’s instrument to penetrate fog, murkiness, and darkness we, or others, experience.

We can be a Light!


  1. What a beautiful description of God’s light.
    I had not thought about light burning away fog in a spiritual sense. I love this.
    Thank you for being a bright light in my life, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Connie, your response has brightened my day. Thank you for your encouragement and for being a light for Jesus. Wishing you a day fill with joy and sunshine.

  2. Thank you Katherine for being a light in your writing. I thought of the scripture “those who look to Him are radiant” and how that radiance cannot be overlooked or ignored by others.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      That’s a wonderful thought, Marilyn. I need to look up that scripture because it describes what I hoped to convey. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Diana. Your encouragement sends a blessing my way. Hope your day is filled with peace, joy, and blessings.

  3. Thank you for writing and sharing what I needed to hear this morning. I’ve had a bad evening and woke up glum, sluggish, or a mentally foggy. A series of first world problems that I simply wish would go away confronts me. Your article reminded me to move from my “why me” and “not again” pity party to come to God’s throne and place the issues before Him. To allow His light to shine on my challenges, to ask His thoughts to be my thoughts, and His ways to be my ways. Your a woman being used of God. The way I was directed to your article this morning when it was thinking of what I was going to do for my quiet time with God and that still small voice said go read what I’ve lead Katherine Pasour to write. The words and Scripture you need are waiting there. And they were. Praise God for your faithfulness. I was told a Christian writer is successful if their words your words touch one heart for the Lord. Your words touched mine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, Jimmie–I prayed for you as soon as I read your response. Hoping God’s Light of mercy and peace will “burn” away the gloom, fog, and sadness you are feeling today. I pray God will surround you with His love and you will experience the joy of His presence. I know He is with you through those problems and will guide you through the right decisions. I’m so glad my message was meaningful for you and so grateful you let me know. Wishing you a blessed day, my friend and hoping you get some relief from the oppressive heat in your state. Joy and Peace!

  4. Thank you Katherine for that reminder on a particularly foggy day in VA. I know the fog that wraps itself around outside but I’m also well acquainted with the fog inside too. I appreciate the verses that bring me back to the source of light.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      This exceedingly hot weather we’ve had recently is enough to make us feel sluggish, gloomy, and all fogged up. But, Sylvia, you have the Light and He is with you every step of your journey. Peace and blessings, my friend.

  5. Katherine, I love this analogy. I’m thankful for the light of Jesus burning away the fog that makes us sluggish. As humans we will experience those days.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Lisa, I have those foggy, glum days, too. As you point out, we all have them. We are so blessed that we have the Light which overpowers the fog. We know He is with us, just as we know the sun is there, even on a cloudy day. Wishing you sunshine and blessings.

  6. Thank you for this encouragement in this summer of fog and smoke. Jesus is the light of the world and we are the mirrors to reflect His light. We live in dark times and look forward to a place that holds no darkness. God bless, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We are so blessed that God is with us through those dark times. In Him there is no darkness, only light. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing the light of Jesus with others. Blessings!

  7. I’m so thankful for the light that changes me. I love your analogy with the beautiful lily. The light penetrates and makes the color more vibrant. The light of Christ does the same thing for us. Blessings, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Barbara, I felt blessed to be able to see that lily at just the moment when God’s light made it glow beyond its natural state. That’s what He does for us, too, doesn’t He? With Him we are more. When His light shines through us, it’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts.

  8. Terri Miller says:

    The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2) This is one of my favorite verses. I think it’s because it says “a great light”. Makes me think of what it says in Revelation that there will be no need of the sun or moon in the New Jerusalem because the glory of God will illuminate it and the Lamb will be its lamp. Wow. Won’t that be something!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      This verse is one of my favorites, too, Terri. We can have confidence that our Lord will free us from darkness. Yes–that will be something!

  9. JD Wininger says:

    Such a great post Ms. Katherine. You reminded me that even when it’s cloudy, the light is still shining. In the same way that fog will seem to absorb and perhaps distort our light, the reality is that it doesn’t change the light, only its effectiveness. We must keep letting His light shine through us, even when it’s dark and foggy around us. Amen sweet friend. Thank you for the blessing this week.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      We can be confident that even when it is cloudy, the light of the sun is there. Just as we can always be confident that our Lord is faithful and trustworthy–He will overcome the darkness of our present world. Thank you for the reminder, J.D., that because of the light and love of Jesus, we are called to let His light shine through us to share His love with others. Thank you for sharing the light, my friend.

  10. Your topic piqued my interest because we’ve had an unusually high number of foggy days recently. I can’t help but think it’s related to the smoke from wildfires and just the air quality in general this summer. I very much like your spiritual fog angle. How appropriate that description is. Praying God lifts any fog settling over His believers.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I know so many are suffering from being in the path of wildfires this summer. The heat and drought combine to create conditions conducive to dangerous fires. I pray for the safety of those in the path of fires and join you in your prayer for believers–may God send His light to disperse the fog in our spiritual lives. Wishing you peace and blessings, Candyce.

  11. Kim Teague says:

    Thank you for these words, Katherine. Our God is amazing. I’m so thankful He sent His Son to bring light to this dark world. I love the picture of the beautiful flower and your reminder that the light of Jesus changes those on whom He shines. Thankful He is changing me! Blessings!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Like you, Kim, I’m so thankful God changed me (and is still shaping and molding me in service to Him). Thank you for being a light for Jesus. May God continue to bless you on your path with Him.

  12. On the coast of Maine, we also say the sun “burns off the fog,” which is a good thing since we got lots of it! I love your spiritual insights from foggy days, especially that “the Light of the Son penetrates fog.”

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m glad you’ve heard that “saying” before, Kathy. Aren’t we blessed that God sends the light we need (when we need it) to
      burn away our spiritual fog. “The Light of the Son” blesses us each day. Wishing you sunshine and joy on your journey.

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