The blessings of home

Do you remember “The Wizard of Oz?”  After a long and exciting journey looking for “Oz,” Glenda, the “good” witch, helps Dorothy find her way home.  Dorothy clicks her heels (of those cool red shoes), and magically goes home. Oh–the blessings of home!

Image by Jerico Placido from Pixabay

Today at our church, we celebrated Homecoming. It’s a day when we invite old and new friends to join us in worship and renewal.

And of course, we eat

But during children’s church, before our lavish meal, we talked about home. In response to my question, “What do you like about home?” the children answered:

“It’s where we find comfort.”

“We eat!”

Home is where our family is.”

“My mommy and daddy.”

Children know how to get to the heart of the matter, don’t they? They shared these key points:

  • Home is where we can be ourselves. We’re comfortable.
  • We are loved at home.
  • We share love and food together at home.
  • Our loved ones are there—Mommy, Daddy, brothers, sisters, and loving family and friends.

After a long day at the office or a physically exhausting day in the hay field, home is where I unwind and relax. We are blessed when our home is a safe haven of love. When home is where you want to be—it is a joyful experience.

What rejuvenates you when you come home from a long day of work?  How do you refresh and recharge when you’ve worked all day at home?

  • Is it the welcome home greeting of a special pet, your spouse, or children?
  • Does someone ask you to share the events of your day?
  • Are you blessed by the offer of, “Take a break, my love, while I fix dinner.”

What do you enjoy most about being at home?

For Christians, we know our final home is going to be beautiful beyond anything we can comprehend.

Jesus prepares a place for us.

Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:2-3)

Isn’t that awesome? Jesus preparing a place for us in Heaven?

At the end of this journey, our Lord will welcome us HOME. We’ll be united with loved ones gone before. We’ll celebrate at the Lord’s table.

United with our Father and our Savior . . .

We’ll be home.


  1. J.D. Wininger says:

    I don’t travel as much as I used to, so home is never too far away from me these days. But when I get there (meaning my property, not four walls), there’s a list of things. This includes:
    1) The people I love (my wife, my brother-in-Christ).
    2) The livestock and animals whom I care for, and who love me back in their own unique way.
    3) At some point, relaxation and rest. My lift chair gives me needed rest, as usually I have the wife’s little dog Archie sleeping between my feet or under my chin.
    4) It’s cooler inside!
    5) A chance to sit under the pines with Bubba the chocolate lab and relax and cool off a bit before I go inside and start the next shift. Those brief respites with God (I always invite Him to come sit with us there).
    6) My den, my “shell of solitude” there I can escape for some “Tortoise Time” now and again when I just need to be alone. This is especially peaceful when no one else is up and printing, copying, or collating. LOL This is where I do my Bible study, prayer, and devotion time. Meditation time normally happens in my easy chair. 🙂

    As you point out my friend, “There’s no place like home…” and I can’t wait to get to my heavenly home one day soon. Have a blessed day and be careful out there in them hay fields.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, J.D., for taking the time to share such a thoughtful and meaningful response. As a farm girl, I can identify with the blessings you receive from the land. I’m thankful for shade trees and a cooling breeze; for rain to nourish plants and the power and beauty of a storm; for my girl Heidi who loves me unconditionally; and for the gift of life and love. Thank you, my friend, for being such a good example of being grateful for God’s gifts.

  2. I love to travel, but nothing compares to home. I can’t imagine how wonderful our heavenly home will be.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You are right, Diana, the marvelous glory and beauty of heaven are beyond our feeble human brain’s ability to comprehend. Joy and blessings!

  3. The saying, “Home is where the heart is,” rings true. This is where we find comfort, we can relax and find solitude. We can detach from the stress of the world. And in response to your reference to The Wizard of Oz, I think I saw it 3 more times this month because my granddaughter was with us! Blessings, my friend!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      The Wizard of Oz is a classic. The wicked witch scared me when I was a child, but the many messages of the movie are meaningful. Aren’t grandchildren precious? Wishing you continued blessings, too, my friend.

  4. I am a homebody, and although I’ve travelled a lot, it’s always a joy to get back home. I know this joy is only a glimpse of that someday joy. Thanks for reminding me that a real true home is still ahead.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think traveling a lot reminds us of the precious joy of being home. We appreciate the gift of family and home more when we come back to it after an absence. Peace and blessings, Sylvia.

  5. I love the comfort and peace of home. It is where my family resides. I am most relaxed and able to unwind when I walk through my door. Most importantly, it is where I spend time communicating with my Savior when reading His Word and praying. And yes, someday we’ll live in our eternal home where we’ll be most satisfied. Thanks for sharing this sweet reminder Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you for sharing how home blesses you, Lisa, and for the reminder that home offers us a special place to connect with our Savior. Praying for you and your family.

  6. Inspirational post! Home is a precious word! I only think I can’t wait to get out of the house for a break until I’m out of the house and can’t wait to get back to it 🙂
    When my mother had Alzheimer’s, the one thing she longed for, beside her husband, was home. Often she’d say, “I want to go home.” I’d disregarded this as nothing but her confused mental state, but I believe she was telling me she was ready to go to her eternal dwelling with the Lord. Now they are both home together!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I think God is with our precious loved ones in a very special way as they are being prepared to join Him in Heaven. Thank you for sharing this precious memory, Mary. I’m thankful we’ll have the opportunity to be with our loved ones in our eternal home. We are so blessed.

  7. There’s no place like home. It’s great to come back to the familiar. It will be great to get to our eternal home where we know we belong–even though it won’t be familiar at all. God bless, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You’ve reminded us that we can’t yet comprehend the marvelous and wondrous beauty that awaits us in heaven–we just know it’s going to be more glorious than we can imagine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Nancy. May God bless you and your family.

  8. Truly, there’s no place like home.
    Your message gives a great description of home. The children’s voices are right on the mark. I love their responses.
    I’m sorry for people who’s homes do not fit in these descriptions but if they’re in Christ it will be made up to them eventually.
    We have so much to look forward to in our heavenly homegoing.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Connie, you’ve reminded us of a very important aspect of home–not everyone is blessed with a safe, comfortable, and loving home. As Christians, it’s our calling to help in whatever way we can to assure that children are cared for and loved in a safe environment. Jesus loved all children and I pray we can follow His example of love and compassion. I hope you’re having a great week. Blessings!

  9. Home is a state of mind. I work at “home” these days, but that’s not what home means to me. It’s that place that you describe – a place to relax, be ourselves, be with those who love and accept us unconditionally.

    And just think, our eternal home is going to be even better.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Oh, Yes, Candyce! Our eternal home is going to be far better than we can imagine. No sorrow or pain there–an abundance of joy and happiness. Blessings, my friend.

  10. Jeannie Waters says:

    Katherine, your post reminded me of my parents’ summertime rule when my brothers and I were children: “Come inside when the streetlights come on.” We struggled to end playtime, but I remember the joy of being in our cozy house with family and the aroma of dinner cooking. Home means comfort to me. I’m an extrovert who loves conversation, so I enjoy catching up with my husband in person or with other family members and friends electronically. I can only imagine the joy when our earthly walk ends and the Father says, “Welcome home.” A beautiful post, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I miss those day of playing outdoors in the evenings. Somehow the mosquitoes seem more numerous now. And most parents worry now about safety when letting their children play outdoors without supervision. Times have changed, haven’t they? But you are right, Jeannie, the joy we’ll experience when welcomed to heaven awaits those who trust in the Lord. Peace and blessings!

  11. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Great timing of your message Katherine as we drive home from vacation with the family. I love traveling but it is so nice to get home. And I find comfort in knowing that my heart is at home with Christ

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      It is nice to come home after traveling. I think we appreciate home more after we’ve been away for a while. Welcome home! Like you, I find comfort knowing our final home is with our Lord Jesus. May God continue to bless you in your service to Him.

  12. Thank you for this blog, Katherine, and for reminding us the blessings of our homes here on earth are glimpses of our future home with the Lord. He is an awesome God!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Kim, our God is an amazing and awesome God. And in spite of my mistakes and stumbles, He loves me! We are so blessed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!

  13. Home Sweet Home! A place of comfort, love, and blessings throughout the years. And family makes it a special place whether they still live at home or stop by for a visit. But as you said, “At the end of this journey, our Lord will welcome us HOME.” What a glorious day that will be!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Loved your response, LuAnn, the reminder that home isn’t just a house, but where our loved ones are, where we feel comfortable and at peace. Wishing you joy, peace, and blessings.

  14. What a lovely post about the joys of home now and the even greater joys when we’re home with Jesus! Thank you, Katherine, and thank you for your article you read on Refresh this past week. I really appreciated it and your insightful questions.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Kathy. I’m so glad you were able to attend our Refresh Lighthouse group this past week. It’s always good to “see” you and I’m grateful for your encouragement. Wishing you joy and blessings!

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