The promise of joy

This week past Sunday, our children lit three candles on our Advent wreath. Hope and Peace were renewed from the two previous weeks. The third candle, Joy, added its light, too. Because of our Savior’s coming–we have the promise of joy.

I’m happy our pastor chose to include our children in the lighting of the Advent Candle. When joy is the theme, those who express joy so openly brought the candle to light. Children have a special gift to spread joy–it glows from within and flows forth, sending the light of joy to others.

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

You make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. (Psalm 92:4)

My granddaughter runs to me for a hug as soon as we spy each other at church. Her little brother is usually attached to his mom or dad and pretends he doesn’t recognize me. But on Sunday, for the first time when at church, he trotted over with a grin and hugged me, too.

Gift of joy!

Our children can show us how to share joy. This Christmas season can we…

Strive to share love and happiness without reservation and not be afraid or inhibited about showing our joy?

Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; shout with joy, all you who are upright in heart. (Psalm 32:11)

Replace anger, frustration, or discouragement with joy? Our Lord is dependable and trustworthy. He will carry us through the hard times and joy will return.

Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Shout and sing our joy at the coming of our Savior?

Though you have not seen him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:8-9)

Will you join me in sharing joy?

It isn’t always easy to share joy when we’ve lost a loved one, our health has taken a turn for the worst, we’re facing economic challenges, or an unexpected crisis strikes. But I pray we will try–that we strive to share the joy of Christmas with the innocent excitement of a child.

If you’ve had a special moment of joy already this season, I hope you will share with us–joy grows when we share!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I too had the gift of joy Sunday as I watched my daughter, her husband and children read scripture and light the advent candle of joy. For me it was a picture of answered prayer knowing “I have no greater joy than to know my children walk in the truth.”

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      What a beautiful picture of joy you have shared, Marilyn. Thank you for sending joy our way. Wishing you and your family a Christmas filled with love and joy.

  2. The joy of the Lord is my strength, full of glory and beyond earthly expression. Katherine, I’m sure the greeting with a grin from your little grand fellow sparked some joy in your heart! Joy is a gift from God given through Jesus. We are blessed!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, Lisa, when my little fellow trotted over, my heart overflowed. Before I became a grandmother, I scoffed at grandparents that said their grandchildren filled their lives and were their greatest joy–how could that be when there is so much joy around to see, hear, and do? But they were right! God has given us the gift of a heart that opens up more and more room for love and joy with every child and grandchild He sends our way. Wishing you a Christmas season filled with love, joy, and blessings.

  3. I’ve had tremendous joy this season with children and grandchildren. My husband and I are also working through the loss of his mother in November.

    When we count our blessings, we feel blessed beyond what we might have hoped in this life. Thanks, Katherine. God bless and merry Christmas.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law, Nancy. Holidays are a time when we feel the loss of our loved ones–the empty chair, the precious memories that remind us they’re gone. But as you point out, we are blessed beyond measure and we will join our loved ones in an amazing reunion in Heaven. Wishing you a Christmas filled with love, joy, and hope.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Merry Christmas to you and your family, Nancy. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share this writing journey and be blessed by your wisdom and insights. Hoping your holiday season is one of joy and blessings.

  4. Our grandchildren bring joy in every moment. Their laughter and the ways they find joy in the simple things in life brings JOY to the whole family. Merry Christmas!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      And their laughter–it’s infectious in the best way! Doesn’t a giggle give us joy and a smile? Wishing you much happiness this season with lots of joyful time with family.

  5. Christmas can be hard when we miss those who aren’t with us. But there is also joy to be found. I’m glad you had your joyful experience Sunday. Think of the shepherd’s, angel’s, and wise men’s joy.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Debbie. The joy felt by the shepherds, angels, and wise men must have be beyond measure. How wonderful it must have been to see the Christ child. Thank you for sharing with us. Wishing you a Christmas filled with joy and blessings.

    2. The innocence of a child can teach us so much. As believers we do gave a joy that is inexpressible the world doesn’t have. Our greatest gift is Jesus and all He is. Blessings Katherine!

      1. Katherine Pasour says:

        Thank you, Barbara. You are right! “Our greatest gift is Jesus.” We are so blessed! Great to see you last night on Zoom. It’s wonderful to have you back. May this Christmas season be filled with joy and blessings for you and your family.

  6. I’ve experienced joy in what seem superficial but the immense kindness of God even in little blessings has brought me joy. It turns my wandering gaze back to him- the source of joy. Cute grandchildren! The unbridled joy in their smiles is infectious.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      You are right, Mary, joy comes in the small things. We are so blessed by the joy God sends us. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and many blessings in the New Year.

  7. So much joy this week! And like Marilyn, much of it centered on my children and grandchildren participating in church “music” activities.

    I’m enjoying reading your posts about the Advent candles after hearing the readings, seeing the lightings, and considering the sermons about Hope, Peace, and Joy at church each Sunday.

    I get that “turn the head and ignore her” from my youngest sometimes too.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “Joy” is a wonderful word to describe our experiences with our grandchildren (even though they do ignore us at times). Thankfully our Lord and Savior never ignores us and our joy is complete in Him. Wishing you continued JOY this Christmas season and throughout the new year.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Sylvia. I’m grateful for your encouragement. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  8. When I take the time to think about all that Jesus has done for me, joy floods my being and I can hardly contain myself. I was reminded of that in a special way this week when the children danced for the Lord during our church service. This type of worship awakens my spirit. Merry Christmas, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      “Dancing for the Lord!” We should be joyful in praise and worship and I think dancing is an excellent way to express our joy. He gave us the gift of movement and the creativity of expression. There are so many ways to express our love and appreciation to our Father. Merry Christmas, Annie and family.

  9. You are so right, Katherine, Christmas is the best time to share joy! May your Christmas be filled with joy!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Kathy. I hope your Christmas is one of hope, peace, joy, and love. Thank you for the joy you share through your writing ministry. May 2023 be filled with blessings.

  10. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Thank you for sharing this encouragement. We can only find our joy in Christ. I need Him every day. Great message Katherine

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Yvonne. Like you, I need Jesus every day. Wishing you a joyous season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

  11. I, too, enjoy watching the joy expressed by children! I especially love to see them worship the Lord!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, until someone squelches their enthusiasm, our children are so open and enthusiastic with their love and joy for our Lord. If we could just keep that joy and enthusiasm throughout our lives! Thank you for stopping by LuAnn and wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  12. Children can teach us so much about joy. I need to be more child-like in my faith. Even when we are going through times of difficulty and uncertainty, knowing God is with me brings me joy. Thank you, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I agree, Vicki. I also need to be more child-like in my faith. Children live and love whole-heartedly, Jesus reminded us to have that kind of faith. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in the New Year.

  13. There is not much better than a child’s laugh. When they laugh there joy is contagious. It can be so hard to find joy in the trials but what a beautiful place to be when we can.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I want to have that child-like joy and faith and not be so burdened by life’s trials. We can only find that kind of joy with Jesus. Wishing you much joy this Christmas season as we celebrate God’s greatest gift of love. I pray for blessings and healing for you in the upcoming year.

  14. J.D. Wininger says:

    How very true Ms. Katherine. It’s much like when we say we’re “blessed to be a blessing”. When we share our joy with others, it grows and expands, not only in the lives of those we share it with, but it seems as though God refills all that we’ve poured into others, and then adds some more, to overfilling. 🙂

    God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yes, J.D., God’s blessings to us overflow each day, don’t they? Praying that this year, 2023, will be filled with showers of blessings. You’ve been such a blessing to me with your kindness and encouragement. May God continue to bless you and the Cross-Dubya family.

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