Wait! Don’t wait!

We’re in the midst of the season of Advent and the hectic prelude to Christmas. You’re likely already stressed by holiday preparations.

Image by Andi Graf from Pixabay

During Advent we’re encouraged to wait, watch, and reflect on the miracle of the Christ child. The baby born in a lowly manger, sent by God to save us from our sins.

God’s gift of love

Yes! Waiting, watching, and reflecting on the love our Lord has for us is important as we prepare to celebrate God’s gift of love to us.

Don’t wait!

But there’s a “don’t wait” part of the December season as well–things we shouldn’t wait for:
  • Don’t wait until January to rest from the stress. During this time when we’re trying to get it all done, try to find some time each day for an activity that is relaxing and stress-free.
  • Don’t wait to get enough sleep–Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Usually when we’re overstressed and limited on time to “get it all done,” it’s our sleep that suffers. Whenever possible, even with all those tasks looming over you, try for those seven-plus hours of sleep.
  • Don’t wait to make healthy food choices–as mentioned in a previous wellness blog, sample those delightful holiday foods, but just get a taste of each. Try to fill up on healthy choices before a bite of the high calorie desserts.
  • Don’t forget water! When offered sodas, punch, sweetened or alcoholic beverages, water is always a healthier option.

Wishing you continued blessings and praying for your good health and happiness!


  1. Do something relaxing and stress free? I’ll take time to read a romance or two!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Reading is my favorite leisure time pursuit–a romance with a happy ending–such a great stress reliever!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Jimmie. I’m grateful for your kind encouragement. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and much joy in 2023.

  2. A nice balance of inspirational and practical ideas. Thank you, Katherine.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Thank you, Diana. Your kindness and support encourage me. Wishing you joy and blessings this Christmas.

  3. Following your tips will keep us from carrying a load of regret into the New Year. Thanks, Katherine! God bless and merry Christmas!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      After attending a Writer’s Retreat this week, I’m feeling stuffed with delicious food. I’ll need to eat light and walk a lot in the upcoming week to defeat the guilt and the pounds. May God bless you and your family this Christmas and for the New Year.

  4. Thank you Katherine, I need these reminders during this busy season.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      I need reminding, too, Lisa. Thank you! Sending Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes your way.

  5. This presents a wonderful challenge-to wait and do so with the assurance of the coming Messiah who is alive in our hearts, and to refuse to put off that which should be done today. Thanks for the inspiring words today, Katherine!

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Mary, I’m so grateful for your encouragement. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in 2023 (How can another year have gone by so quickly?)

  6. J.D. Wininger says:

    “Don’t wait” How powerful and profound, yet in our busy lives we always seem to put things off because we are certain there’ll be a tomorrow in which to tell someone, show someone, or help someone. In the spirit of these wise words, I want to take a moment to tell you how much Ms. Diane and I love you sweet Ms. Katherine. Tomorrow is certainly not promised, and we should endeavor to “Not Wait” to share God’s love with others in every day we are given. Life itself is a gift my friend, it is meant to be shared.

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      What a gift you have shared with me, dear friend. You and Diane are so special to me. Thank you for sharing the gift of love with me during this season of love. I’m so thankful for you both and I treasure our friendship. Wishing you good health and blessings.

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