
‘Tis the season for . . . BERRIES!

In the South, we’ve enjoyed berries since April–strawberries and raspberries arrived with warm sunny spring days.



Blackberries offered their lush dark fruit in June.




Now we’re blessed with blueberries!



And…as a bonus to the great taste of nature’s gift of berries–they are GOOD for us!


Berries are packed with beneficial nutrients:

Berries have antioxidants and flavonoids which protect our cells from damage, help reduce inflammation, and work to prevent diseases (heart disease, cancer, and diabetes).

Berries are good for our brains! Some research has shown that berries boost a process called Neurogenesis (making new neurons). This can help clear out toxins in our brain, improve memory, and contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (

Berries are a good source of Resveratrol (also found in grapes, red wine, and dark chocolate). Research suggest this component can reduce inflammation and prevent clogged arteries.

As part of a healthy diet, berries can help in weight management, promote good eye health, and reduce the risk of varicose veins and hemorrhoids (

I hope you will enjoy nature’s give of brightly colored berries.


Wishing you Joy in the Journey and happy, healthy eating!


  1. I love berries. They had a huge sale on them this week at the store. I’m fully stocked 😉

    1. Katherine Pasour says:

      Yay!I picked blueberries today so I’m stocked up, too. We’re going to boost our brains and immune system! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Wishing you a blessed day!

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